# <center>A true life experiences about Millipede and it's positive effect on human body</center>

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago

What is millipede

Definitions from Oxford Languages,
"A myriapod invertebrate with an elongated body composed of many segments, most of which bear two pairs of legs. Most kinds are herbivorous and shun light, living in the soil or under stones and logs".


My true life experiences concerning the effect of millipede

It all happened years back when my granny died, I was a teenager at the age let's say 15 or 16 years.
My granny had a son(my late father) and three daughters who were all married.
I was only the one staying with my grandma, on that faithful day, after returning from school, did all I'm suppose to do that afternoon, I went out with my friends.
Although, granny haven't been feeling fine for few days but not more three days.
Around 3mp to 4pm, I came back to the house only to see granny breathing heavily and crying, I went and called one of my uncle who was around, he came in and after observing her for a while, he sent me to go and call my aunt, her second daughter, married in a neighboring village, I zoomed off with our bicycle and coming back from that errand, crowd of people had gathered, lo and behold! granny has joined her ancestors.
They took me to where she lay, with my uncle who assisted me, I was asked to touch her chest and use the hand after immediately and touch touch my own chest and I obeyed.
Next thing after the arrivals if her daughters was the arrival of an ambulance and her lifeless body was taken to the mortuary.
The next morning all her daughters was set to return to their matrimonial homes, then, the second daughter who was married to the neighboring village was asked to take me along with her.


How robbing millipede all over my body made all the boil on my body disappeared

After a week and days of staying with my Aunt, I failed sick and there was boil all over my body, I was injected and took drugs but all to no avail, instead the boil keeps developing more and more. many became confused as to what had caused such illness.

Many opinions, Different recommendations

Finally, one old woman recommended, that millipede be found and I should be robbing it all over my body, at least twice daily. What did I just say? Well, I just said what she said.


The Greatest Task

In my own part of Africa, Millipede is a very scary thing to deal with, it's something almost everyone are afraid of touching.
How can I even touch millipede? talk more of holding it in my hand and be robbing same all over my body, a big problem.

Superstition or Nature

A dying child looking for every possible solution to get better, having no other choice.
A millipede was found and I started robbing it all over my body.
Lo and behold! in not more than a week, the boils was gradually disappearing leaving only the scars on my body.
Soon, I was made whole again.

My Observations

Once you touch a millipede, it would coined round, picking it up and robbing it on my body, it always leave a visible Same sharp of coined mark on both my palms and skin, especially on my belly, a mark that would remain with me for days no matter any detergent, soap or cream I applied to make it clear.


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