Achievement 3 by @emmanuel59 Task : Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)
Hello friends, stemias, I send you a cordial greeting and a big hug. I hope that you are well.

With my achievement 2 completed, I am here to carry out my achievement 3, which deals with "Content Etiquette" which we must adequately cite the content that is not of our authorship to avoid plagiarism and how important it is not to commit this crime.

What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is said to be about copying other people's works to make them pass as one's own or original, there are many types of plagiarism, plagiarism is being incurred when a creative or intellectual work is taken and it is copied or imitated without the express authorization of the Author.

Example of plagiarism

When we talk about plagiarism, I give as an example when we were in high school and an event always occurred that a Student copied the same as his classmate, only that he changed his name. That is cloning, which is a type of plagiarism.

Types of Plagarism :

1.Copied and pasted.
This type of plagiarism is commonly seen in students, since reading has become only an obligation and not a delight, therefore students do not develop their skills, if not, it is more comfortable for them to copy and paste a text from any type of font.

2. Mosaic
This tries to prevent plagiarism from being noticeable, joining texts from different sources to make them look like their own.

This type of plagiarism is not always intentional, since whoever does it does so with the intention of developing their work in an easier and faster way, but it is remarkable why the essence of the writing remains the original author.

4. The Facade or Auction
This I call it this way because of the quality that many people who like to plagiarize or do something common or normal to them simply take the basis of copying and pasting plus mixing several different texts and to mislead they try to add terms such as: In addition, Also, In my opinion, That is, I could see or say among others, used to disguise and try to expose something as their own or original.

There are many other types of plagiarism, but today take these 4, as in my opinion, the most common, seen at an academic level.

How to avoid plagiarism

Plagiarism is often due to a poor organization of the bibliography that we have collected for a work, we must always take the data from the source clearly and with care to transcribe them well. Citing the phrase or paragraph directly from the original and accrediting the authority and source by means of a citation or bibliographic reference, it is about using the words of the author.

I have read and understood the protocol of Steemit and the Steemit Community and I will try to comply with it as best I can, this is open to all kinds of recommendations and observations, thank you very much once more and I hope that all this information can be of much help to those who need it .

Thank you very much for viewing my post blessings.

"I have read and understood the Steemit protocol of the Steemit Community and I will try to comply with it to the best of my ability."

 3 years ago 

Hola amigo @emmanuel59

Quiero hacerte una invitación personal para que visites la comunidad de #scouts. Es una comunidad de hermandad donde todos nos apoyamos mutuamente y tenemos diversidad de actividades en las cuales puedes publicar.
Puedes Verificarte Estoy seguro que te gustará.
Mencioname y estaré allí para darte la bienvenida.


Please plagiarism was found in your post, please kindly remove them.

 3 years ago 
 3 years ago 

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