Achievement 4 by @elvis101 | Task : Applying Markdowns

in Newcomers' Community4 years ago

Possible Limits to effective work-out results

Have you got the desire to lose some weight by shedding some extra fat or gain some muscles so you can be fit and attractive? If you do, then your plans are good, because physical fitness is a necessity in the life of every human. It is an area of our life that can be adverse to our health if ignored. Humans are made up of blood, bones, tissues, organs, muscles and so many other components. All these components, like the components of a car, need to be serviced every now and then, else would become worn out. If physical fitness is such a necessity to us as humans, what then is physical fitness?

"physical fitness is a state of health and well-being and more especially the ability to perform aspects of sports,
occupation and, daily activities.”
– Wikipedia

Physical fitness can be achieved through proper dieting, aerobic and anaerobic exercises, resting, and meditation. The benefits of being physically fit as a person cannot be overemphasized since it is very crucial to our wellbeing and mental wellness. A few of such benefits include stronger bones and muscles, an increase in energy level, reduces health risk, increase chances of longer life and, a happier individual, etc. So what stops us from exercising if exercise is such a great deal?
Human beings are generally hedonistic creatures, that is we constantly seek pleasure in our lives except for the monk somewhere in china who derides the desires of the natural man by thoroughly bringing his body under subjection.
As human beings, we always try to avoid pain by checking the cost and gain of our actions. Actions with higher costs as compared to their gains are avoided and vice versa. This natural inclination in us causes us to seek out easier and less stressful ways to do things and also save time which is a very important factor in this 21st century. But life would occasionally demand that we engage in such costly activities, which have made man seek out easier and faster ways of doing things, hence bringing innovations and inventions into the picture. Wonderful, isn’t it? Yes it is, yet the idea that almost every action could be maneuvered has negatively affected the terrain of physical fitness, where people think that the invention of better equipment and introduction of better ways to exercise would alleviate the attention and energy output that is needed to exercise. This brings me to the purpose of this article, which is not to discuss physical fitness as a concept but to point out some restraints and mental short-cut that may leave you without results and frustrated at the end of the day. Some examples of such limitations are:

Note: I would be using the words 'exercise' and 'work out' interchangeably throughout the article

Setting Unrealistic workout goals
Know the price and pay the price. Set work-out goals that are both realistic and feasible. You may come to a gym, and after seeing all the equipment, you may think that with all the equipment and wonderful trainers, you would be able to attain your dream body or see the benefits of your effort in a space of three months. Yea it depends on what you aim to achieve but you should know that most times, that’s not the case especially when it comes to anaerobic workouts. Also when asking questions about the input needed from you to achieve your result, be mindful of the replies you get from owners and instructors of the gym you wish to work out. To get you quickly registered, you hear things like You are at the right spot. Don’t worry in just three months, you would look like Dwayne Johnson. That may help motivate you in the short run but in the long run, you may get frustrated when you don’t see that ideal body after working out for more than five months. You sure would get results but maybe not one that syncs with your mental picture. For proper guidance, check out the link

Do not prioritize workout/exercise
Once you make exercise a priority, the time for it becomes available. If you don’t want to quit easily, do well to make exercising a priority.


Time is a scarce commodity because we have so many things that are yearning for our time. Yet we must ensure that in all our busyness, we make out some time to exercise. Depending on what you aim to achieve, try to exercise for at least three days a week on average. Make exercise a habit because it is worthy of being a habit. This is so because exercise has many physical benefits (manage your weight better, reduce risk of a heart attack, have lower blood pressure, stronger bones and muscles and makes one attractive ), mental benefits(stress reduction, clearer thoughts and, memories, better sleep at night, allows for connection with other people), emotional benefits (better self-confidence, alleviate anxiety, develop and strengthen interpersonal relationship) and sexual benefits (increased boost circulation and blood flow thus reducing the risk of erectile dysfunction, may lead to more frequent and more intense orgasms, flexibility during intercourse and, also aids performance). If there is a will, there is a way.

No written down or calendar schedule for exercise/workout

Get to write down your workout schedule. Writing down goals or schedules gives you a proper visualization of what you aim to achieve. Don’t just leave it in your head. After you have fully understood what it takes to attain the desired body you are looking for, write down your workout schedule. It could be written at the beginning of every new week or bi-weekly, monthly, or even annually. If you are someone whose general schedule is always changing, I would advise you to write it weekly or bi-weekly so you could always adjust your workout schedule to fit your always changing schedule.

Doing what is easy as opposed to what is necessary
Try to avoid this restraint at all cost. It can be very tempting to want to do what seems easy when working out because it is less stressful. The equation of yielding to such temptation is effort+time=l.tttle or no result. Who likes to work without being rewarded? I guess you don't. It is like someone pouring water into a basket and expecting it holds water. It could also be you are doing what is necessary but not in the right way. This is why it is appropriate for you to have an instructor that could guide you through your workout program. This instructor could be an online or a physical instructor. Stick to the necessary workout that suits your goals. Don’t be a jack of all trades in the gym. Specialization coupled with consistency is the key to that great body you are desiring.

Wrong Response to pain
Pain should not keep you from exercising. Instead of being afraid of the pain that comes with exercising, work towards it. When you work out with the awareness that pain is a necessity to build those muscles or shred those kilos of fat 🙃, you would be more comfortable working out. Exercise is a painful necessity that becomes enjoyable once accepted as a way of life. I would always tell people to be glad that they feel pain when they complain of feelings of pain and discomfort. Pain at the gym or while working out is motivation, not demotivation. Pain, most times is a signal that shows you are doing the right thing. “No pain no gain” is a popular quote at the gym. But wait, pain can also be a real problem if experienced continuously at certain joints in the body or the waist. Worthy also to note is that pain, which is due to going beyond your capacity or lifting too heavy can be a warning call telling you to grab your size. But the truth remains that body pains are a necessity at the gym. It is expected that when working out a particular part of your body, you should experience some sweet pains. Forgive my oxymoronic use of words but that is how I see it. If at any time you stop experiencing pain in the area you are working on, try to either increase the weight, reps (number of times you complete a single exercise) or reduce your resting time between reps if any. Check the link for more information on this.

Seeking reassurance too early

Ignore the temptation of always wanting to hear what people have to say about your improvement since you started to work out or hit the gym. As much as it may be necessary to get some evaluation by others, it may become a restraint if done too early with great expectations. Negative answers may put you off. You may also be mindful of how long you stare into that mirror after working out for just two weeks. You should also note that some body parts take more time to build or shred which can really be frustrating. A good example is the abdominal muscle and fat. When dealing with such tough body parts, you should be consistent and understand that your effort is actually paying off. The thing with such areas is that the result is like the movement of the hour hand of a clock. So you see, though the hour hand may be so slow while watching it, it seems to be faster when your eyes is off it. So believe in yourself and stop waiting to see that Ronnie Coleman or Simone biles you wish to see in the mirror before you are assured that your effort is paying off because It is.

**The idea that Proper Nutrition may not be very important **
Proper dieting is very important if you want to get optimum result from your workout. Eat a lot of protein, reduce your carb intake, avoid sugary soft drinks and drink more water. Dieting is something people often neglect when it comes to working out. You may have been able to get some results without proper dieting but much more result would you gain if you heed to proper dieting, and you also get to save yourself some extra stress. Exercise without proper nutrition is like riding a car without fuel. As you may already know, proper dieting without a dedicated workout will only make that belly acquire more rings. check out the link for guidance on nutrition as it relates to exercise/working out. Click link for more info on this.


There are so many other restraints that could keep you from working out/exercising or achieving great results while exercising, such as listening to demotivating comments from, people seeking out a less compelling coach, absence of motivation, blaming your result on genetics (though not dismissible on rare occasions), and unlikely comparison with others. Exercise, aerobic or anaerobic, is essential to the body. As food is to the body, so also is exercise to the body. If you have a desire to work out or exercise but are either consciously or unconsciously hindered in the mind by some factors which have built up to a legitimate excuse, do well to discover it and confront it. See you at the gym. Have a great day.



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