Achievement 3.... Say No to Plagiarism

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

Hello steemians
I'm @ekeminimbang
After completing my achievement1 and achievement2 post task, they are all verified.
I'm here to present my achievement3 post which is content etiquette.


Plagiarism is the act copying of another person's ideas, text without the permission of owner and also not citing the original author.

Types of plagiarism;
We have about four types of plagiarism which I'll diligently explain them below.

1). Direct Plagiarism
This is word to word Copying of people's works without quotating and citating the original owners. It can also be called verbatim.

2). Accidental Plagiarism
This type of plagiarism usually happens when there is intensionally or unintentionally negligent of citations and quoting or referencing the original owners of work obtained the information from.

3). Mosaic Plagiarism
This one usually occurs when borrowing words from source or sources without using the quotation sign.

4). Self Plagiarism
This simply refers to the capitulation of work without referencing the original owner.

Causes of plagiarism
1). Inappropriate research.
It is always pertinent to go into proper research before embarking into writing to avoid plagiarism.

2). Ignorance
We shouldn't engaged or go into writing on a topic you don't have full understanding of the topics. We must gathered all the necessary informations about the topic before starting writing . This will eliminate or reduce plagiarism.

Dangers of plagiarism

1). Lost reputation
Copying work without the permission of the owner or copyright commission leads to lost of reputation.

2). Legal action by the original owner

It is a punishable offence by the law to copy someone's work or write up without referencing, citing or obtaining permission from the original writer.

3). Lost of acknowledgement
Plagiarism leads to lost of acknowledgement in the the aspect of the writer (copier).

citation simply means the act of referencing a source or sources that one consulted and obtained information from while writing.

Usually, it carries the name of the author and year of publication.

Example le, @utibeoeffiong, 2022. This means that, the author of the source obtained informations from is @utibeoeffiong and 2022 is the year of publication.

Another example of citation is when you consulted a book that has more than one author, the names of the two authors should be cited.
example @utibeoeffiong and @joelmaxwell,2021.

In a situation where there is more than one author publishing the material consulted , it should be cited with the name of one the author following with et al and year of publication.
Example, @utibeoeffiong et al., 2021

Where and how to cite a work

Citation should be fixed at the end of the copied work with the name of the author and year of publication in a bracket.


A noun is a name of a person, animal, place or thing (@amicable2019).

And way of citing a work is at the beginning of the copied words.


As stated by @ekemini, 2021 in of his comments, Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the same flower.

I have read through and understood the steemit etiquette and I will follow it diligently.

Thank you.

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