Achievement 5 task 3 by @drumblac: Review of

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

Hello fellow steemians!! In my conquest to learn about this blockchain and all its numerous tools which are perhaps very essential in my daily activities on this platform, I have now arrived at achievement 5.3 . Well as the say learning never ends . On this note am inviting you to joined me lets explores this amazing tool called

Well essential this platform which has been developed and is being maintained by @justyy is pretty much a summary of alot of activities we carry out on this blockchain. Before I get to discuss in line with the questions provide by mentor @cryptokannon, I would to essentially show us some features which I thing are essential to be know about this plat form.


1. Block chain Overview and staticstics

snapshots from Steemyy

When you open the platform this is the first thing that gets displayed on the screen. At first sight might be intimidating, but it is really simple though! This overview simply details out the key factors and properties of this blockchain by that I mean the steem block chain. Dont bother about this section if your not a developer or programmer kind of guy lol!

2. Tools

snapshots from Steemyy

This section where is where am most concerned and by the way majority of tools in this tool section are essential for the average steemit user. And perhaps that is the reason majority of the questions from our mentor's guide is linked to this section. So I would take advantage of this and swiftly answer the questions linked to these section.

Q1. What is effective Steem Power?

From my own understand, effective steem power is simply your total steem power plus that which is delagated to you minus that which you have delegated to others. So lets do alittle math here.
If you have 300SP and you recieve 9000SP from your delegators and maybe you delagate about 5000SP to another person. Then your effective Steem power would be given as
ESP = (300+9000)-5000 = 4300SP
So your effective steem power is 4300SP. So all together effective steem power is just your total steem power minus delegated steem power. On this note it is easy to very you effective power.

  • Click the Steem Account Information tab under tools. The page would display as below
  • Input your user name and you will see all your account information.
    snapshots from Steemyy

Ofcourse we can clearly see that this hold all account information of ours not just effective Steem power.

Q2. How do you delegate SP?

Delegating SP just requires you to go through the following steps

  • Go the tools menu click Steem SP delegation tool. The page displays as shown below.
  • Input your steemit username in other words steemit ID which is kind of the same thing. In the delagators box
  • Input the user name of the delegatee in the second box
  • input the amount of SP you want to delegate in the third box.
  • lastly you can delegate via any of the channel you decide to use. Also if you are using the hive platform you can also login there too by clicking the red button and then delegating.

snapshots from Steemyy

Q3. How do your check the transfer History between any two steem accounts?

The sole purpose for developing this tool was to be able to keep track of particular transfers we undertake daily. Sometime you need to verify transactions carried out in the past between you and another user. This is the perfect tool for that it scans the user's entire account history for particular transfer records. To do able to do this

  • Fill in the first box with you user name or steem ID
  • Fill in the necessary information about the transfer you carried out for example in the first drop box select if the transaction was based on SBD or Steem, In the second drop box you state If the transaction was encrypted or a nonencrypted transaction, third drop box you state if the transaction contained a memo and so on. You need to provide all necessary details for search to be effective.
  • Input some key factors contains of the sender, recepient and some contains of the memo too!! All this factors are to enable a healthy search.
  • lastly fill in the amount range you thing was transfered

snapshots from Steemyy

Q4. How do you automate claiming steem or SBD without having to click claim button each time?

This steps below will enable you to carry out this task

  • Click on Steem auto claim rewards under the tools section
  • Input your user name or Steem ID
  • You private posting key is also required in the second box.
  • Then you set the duration for you claiming time. For example if you set 10minutes as I have done then after every 10minutes this this tool will check if yhey are any rewards to claim.
    -Lastly you click claim.

snapshots from Steemyy

5. How do you check out going votes report for any specific period?

We simply need to go under the tools section and select Steem outgoing votes report
This tool allows you to specify a date range and check how many users you where able to upvote their post within that period of time. It is so detailed becuase it gets to tell you the percentage of votes going out to certain users. This tool gives you the opportunity to be able to identify a group of authors that oftenly get voted by you.
So to check this outgoing vote report you can follow the following steps.

  • click the Steem outgoing votes report under the tools section.
  • Input your Steem user name in the first box
    -Input the date range. In First box you put in the date you want to start searching from and in tje second box you put in the date you want to end search at. Finally the screen displays as shown below

snapshots from Steemyy

List of authors voted by Me within the selected date range.

snapshots from Steemyy

Q6. How do you check the incoming votes report for a specified period of time?

In this case we use a tool which is also similar to the that in question 5 kown as steem Incoming votes Report. As the name suggest this too helps us keep track of which users are voting our post and which of the users votes our post often. So it also displays the percentage of vote from each user.
So to check this outgoing vote report you can follow the following steps.

  • click the Steem incoming votes report under the tools section.
  • Input your Steem user name in the first box
    -Input the date range. In First box you put in the date you want to start searching from and in tje second box you put in the date you want to end search at. Finally the screen displays as shown below
    snapshots from Steemyy

Also we have a list of people who curate our post oftenly within that selected period of time also displayed below on the page..

snapshots from Steemyy

Q7. How do you check who has delegated SP to your steem account or any other steem account?

So you can use the ** Steem Power Delegator checker** in the tools section to do this check.
It can be carried out jn the following simple steps.

  • select steem Power delegator checker in the tools section.
  • Input your user name or any other user name and tap search the black screen below will display the users who have delegated SP to your account or some others.

snapshots from Steemyy
Well this is the most of the tools section in that platform. Also the most relevant tools every steemian should basically know to ensure more user freedom and flexibility on the Steemit blockchain.

Thanks for reading everyone!!

 3 years ago (edited)

Hi i am Sumit one of the team member of Steem Greeter.

I am happy to announce that i have successfully verified your achievement 5.3 post. Now you are eligible for performing your next achievement task.



 3 years ago 

Hi, @drumblac,

Your post has been supported by @njiatanga from the Steem Greeter Team.

 3 years ago 

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