Achievement 3 by @donpearl task:content Etiquette 18-1-2022

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)
My great people, am happy and grateful to be here once again to complete my achievement 3 post which is centered on plagiarism.


Screenshot_20220114-205716_1642499713924.jpg sources

Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone's else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own by incoporating it into your work without full acknowledgement . It can also be defined as the representation of another authors language, thought,ideas or expressions as ones own original work. It is also considered as a violation of academic integrity and a breach of journalistic ethics.

Plagiarism is a theft and can warrant sanction or even imprisonment therefore it should be prohibited .Duplicates, counterfeit,forgery are few synonyms closely associated to plagiarism.


Types of plagiarism includes but not limited to paraphase, invalid source, secondary source,unethical collaboration. We also have ;

DIRECT PLAGIARISM: This means the word-for-word transcription of a section of someone's else's work without attribution and without quotation mark.

CLONE: This is an act of submitting another's work as ones own.

VERBATIM PLAGIARISM: This means direct copying of someone's words.

PARAPHRASING PLAGIARISM: This means rehasing someone's else idea.

PATCHWORK PLAGIARISM: This is plagiarism parts of direct sources and stitching them together into a new work.

SELF PLAGIARISM: This is the recycling of ones previous work.sources

ACCIDENTAL PLAGIARISM:This is when one not knowing when and how to site or how to summarise or even common knowledge.

GLOBAL PLAGIARISM: This occur when you take an entire piece and pass it off as your own work.


Plagiarism has numerous disadvantages which includes destruction of students reputation . It can also land a student in trouble like suspension or even expel from school. It also destroys professional and academic reputation.sources


Plagiarism can be avoided and controlled regardless of wether you are writing a termpapper,thesis, or content for sale. The ways are as follows;


USE OF PLAGIARISM CHECKER: One of the best way to avoid plagiarism is the use of plagiarism checker. Today, there are many free and paid online online plagiarism checkers that can help one present unique work or ideas. Some of the most used online tools for checking plagiarism includes grammarly and copyscape .One can choose to either use the standard version or the premium version that one makes monthly or yearly subscription .

CITING SOURCES: When reserching particular subject of interest, it is essential to cite the sources where you get the information from. Compile a list showing all citation from articles,books, magazines or websites.

"change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we have been waiting for,we are the change that we seek"source


In summary, i can say that plagiarism is a theft and should strongly be prohibited in the country at large just like it's prohibited in steemit ecosystem. The human brain is the most powerful and complex computer there is. It is like a muscle,and the way to exercise it is thinking, being creative etc. The more one engage in it, the better one become. While plagiarism clogs our brain, depriving it of creativity, therefore we should avoid plagiarism.

By doing this, we open ourselves to a wonderful world of creativity plus getting paid off it (proof of brain).

I have read and understood the steemit etiquette on steemit community and will do my best to embrace them

 3 years ago 

Hi, @donpearl,

Your post has been supported by @reddileep from the Steem Greeter Team.

 2 years ago 

esta buena.

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