Achievement 6 Task by @danielo109 : Understanding Curation and Community

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago
Hello everyone, I'm finally on my last achievement post.

This post is to show my understanding on curation and communities.

Do you understand how voting and curation work in steemit?

In Steemit you can gain rewards by being voted and voting. After you create a content you have 7 days till payout. Within this period users give you an upvote on your posts if they like it. The voting done takes a portion of voting mana which you can view with and how effective a vote is depends on the amount of SP available. By default posts are set to 50% rewards to content creators and curators but that can be changed.

What happened if you vote a post before 5 minutes marks after posting?

Voting a post before 5 minutes makes you lose part of your curation reward. The fraction of the reward lost returns to the reward pool.

The fraction lost before 5 minutes varies for every minute after the post till after 5 minutes

  • After 1 minute 80% returns to the reward pool.
  • After 2 minutes 60% returns to the reward pool.
  • After 3 minutes 40% returns to the reward pool.
  • After 4 minutes 20% returns to the reward pool.
  • After 5 minutes 0% returns to the reward pool.

Curators receive the the difference from 100% of what returns to the reward pool. And so after 5 minutes curators receive 100% of the curation reward.

Who will you vote for Steem Witness ? and Why?

I will vote for @steemchiller and @justyy. These two have created steemit tools that are very helpful. Aside that they also have very high reputations which shows how active they are.

Which community will you join in Steemit, and why?

I join communities based on how they profit me and whether I have interest in the activities that go on. I joined the SeemitCryptoAcadamy because I wanted to learn more about Crypto. I joined Music for Steem because I'm a musician too.

Thank you all for the attention


Hey @danielo109, this is Aniqa Mashkoor a greeter helper.

Congratulations you have successfully completed all your achievement tasks from 1 till 6. Now you can compile all of them in a single post.

Hope so you learnt and enjoyed while making your achievements.


Happy steeming :)

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much @aniqamashkoor

 3 years ago 

Hi, @danielo109,

Your post has been supported by @nattybongo from the Steem Greeter Team.

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much @nattybongo for the support

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