


I am @chimza and I am 12 years old. I am very happy to be able to post on this platform. It is required that in every place in life no matter where you get to, you have to think and do rather than thinking and just knowing. This is because it is the doing rather that the knowing that lands you in greater heights in life, but just knowing keeps you stagnated without progressing. That you have the knowledge is good but thinking and doing attracts even more opportunities for yourself.

Life is never balanced, but when you make it balanced, life becomes more interesting and enjoyable for you. You should not wait for life to come to you, you should go out and live life. Limitation is by choice and not by force, but when you think and do, you destroy your limitations. Don’t you ever say that “This thing is too hard for me to do, it will waste my time and energy”. Doing requires planning and that is why it is said that “when you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.”

Lazy people are the ones who just think alone because that is how they want to live their lives; doing nothing. Doing fails the plans of those trying to unseat you. Limitation is an enemy of yours, but when you try to do, you have access to a limitless source which is God. The purpose of education is to learn and do hard work which attracts good results. Education was established for knowing and doing.


You activate what is in you by doing; do not stay at home just saying to yourself that all these people who are famous in the world had opportunities and you have none. Everyday you’ve lived marks opportunities that were presented to you be it gained or lost moreover, life itself is an opportunity. God brought man unto this earth for one main reason, and that is to fulfill his purpose on earth by doing and not by knowing alone.

David was a person who knew and did, in the book of 1 Samuel 1:50. It was recorded that David knew that God was going to deliver him from the hands of the enemy (giant) and he fought by taking action (by doing), by killing the philistine who defiled God’s glory. He didn’t limit himself by making an excuse that he was too young to do so great things, instead he took the bull by the horn and trusting in his knowledge of God and His promises, he took action.


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