Hello STEEMIT, My Introduction @can.gee as Achievement #1steemCreated with Sketch.


Hello, how are you, howdy

I come to Steem it with the user of @Can.Gee , you can call me GEE or G, that's what my friends call me. I am 40 years old and right now I live in Indonesia, Jakarta precisely. Before I have lived on several cities, I do not have a fix job so I usually come to where a friend or family members needed me, went to that city and lived there for years.

My education was business administration, I have a degree on it so I can do any kind of clerk and administrative jobs for whatever company you run. People call me the jack of all trades, doing things that company can not afford many people to fill in those jobs LoL.

What I do and How I know Steemit

I like to play games, really spend a lot of time on gamings. any kind of games, from shooting, arcade, sports, MMORPG and just name it. However if you ask my genre, well I should say it is a hardcore grinding J-RPG.

Recently I tried a new genre, what people call as Web 3.0 gaming, or crypto gaming. Well it is basically the same with others, but in this type of game, the token or currency used are real crypto tokens. It's quite interesting, because with proper knowledge and skills, we actually can earn something from these games... Some said we can make a fortune from them, but let's not go that far first. I haven't been a millionaire from gaming, why would I endorse it that way anyway?


A few months ago I listened to a infamous Indonesian Crypto Influencer, a young guy who got some controversial due to talking about drinking expensive coffee in hotel while he's broke. I should not name him here, anyone from Indonesia should know this guy. He said something interesting, about social finance or SoFi. He said its time like doing twitter and earn crypto coin as rewards.

His words picked my interest so I was thinking... Maybe blogging could get me a crypto token too. So last week when I eavesdropped a convo from some Pixel game chat about web 3.0 blogging, I started to search and found some Web 3.0 bloggings. That's when I started knowing about SteemIT.

Why do I choose STEEMIT over the others?

  • I do not have any experience in crypto blogging or whatsoever this is called. So because it is a big 0, I prefer to start from the oldest, the one who has the longest history.
  • Test of Time. I believe from all what I have seen, STEEM price has been tested several time over years. There is a new one which promised many great things, but I see the price keeps sinking down.
  • I believe blogging is a form of socializing, so I think comparing one and another too much won't bring any good. So I pick Steemit based on these two above.

The Blogging World

Blogging is not a new world for me. I had blogged on Blogspot before, and Wordpress too. I had some domains which I blogged about garden, gaming and cats. Later on I monetized them with adsense, pagelink sales, and amazon affiliates. Some of them did not working at all, however I had a couple blogs that somehow I never expected before, making a steady $10-$50 per month. Well, that was my past, however something happened and I decided to leave the blogging world.


I have never posted my face or my house and my car before, it brought me a strong bad feeling of insecurity. You might call or accuse me of being anonymous, pretending to be a mysterious guy , lack of confidence, or camera phobia. It's up to you, I don't care, but having myself, my house, or my vehicle picture taken is giving me a strong uncomfortable feeling. Even I have been hesitating to make this post for weeks (you can see when I register and when I post this one) because it is said everyone must post their face here. Well I used to post cat faces, but never my own.

In the past I visited a gathering of bloggers, they took some picture of me and post it on forum. I knew they weren't evil, they did not mean to harm me, but when I said enough please took my pic down, they ignored... So I left them and stopped blogging which they knew its my blog.

It is a big no for me.

What Goal I Want To Aim Here

Well, nothing fantastic. I hope I can continue writing regularly here. Although I have blogged before, a long time ago which is more than a decade ago, I find there are some differences in here. It looks like there are plenty I have to learn first, and that should be my first goal here.

Ok this is the end, so I will close this one using my bahasa, so people know I am not joking if I say I live in Indonesia.

Banyak yang memang harus saya pelajari terlebih dahulu, seperti budaya, adat dan aturan penulisan di STEEMIT ini. kalau soal formating, atau yang disebut marksdown seh saya yakin nanti dengan sendirinya akan terbiasa. Tagging? ya awal nebak-nebak ya, mungkin semacam keywords atau syntax command programming gitu. Benar ga?

Tapi sebelumnya saya minta maaf, tulisan ini saya buat karena saya membaca ini di salah satu postingan orang lain:


Saya lihat komentar bang @ridwant dimana ada link ke postingan bang @radjasalman tentang perkenalan diri. Jadi saya inisiatif sendiri saja mencoba mengikuti apa yang diarahkan di postingan itu. Sepertinya sudah jadi etika nubi ya di sini harus memperkenalkan diri, dan saya harap cara saya tidak salah-salah banget.

Btw saya tidak memiliki akun instagram, twitter ataupun Facebook. Facebook saya dulu ada tapi sudah di deactivate beberapa tahun sebelum Covid datang. Seperti yang saya sampaikan di atas, saya tidak suka foto-foto terkait diri saya jadi facebook saya isinya foto-foto kucing saja dan selalu jadi bahan candaan teman-teman. Ya akhirnya saya delete aja.

Mungkin demikian saja, dan salam kenal semuanya

~ G ~


Hi @can.gee

You have not completed all the parameters, at least you should be able to share your photo, holding a sign with your data, as achievement 1 says.

But you have not carried out that step, which is the main one.

You are from Indonesia? You could contact @heriadi or @radjasalman for further guidance.

This comment has been upvoted through -Steemcurator09.

Curated by - @radjasalman

Hi @can.gee

Please follow the parameters of achievement 1, so you can be verified: 👉Panduan Perkenalan (Achievement 1) Bagi Pendatang Baru

Please don't make a new post, just edit this one and add what's needed.

hi, thank you for the reply

I have all, but the fact that what needed is my pic (which is I am not very fond to share) and my social media (which is I have none) so it seems I have got rejected here.

I need time to start over making a tiktok account or instagram, but it seems bizarre I need to start on social media first before I can be eligible here.

its weird I can not reply the admin comment on above

I have all the parameters, except for the one I do not have which one of them is social media... facebook, twitter, instagram or tiktok, or others. So it looks like I can not be accepted due to it

Well, its ok, every place has it' own rules

Mohon melampirkan foto yang jelas terlihat wajah sambil memegang kertas bertuliskan nama akun dan tanggal terbaru. Informasi lebih lanjut silahkan menghubungi no saya 08126971197

 5 months ago 

Hi @can.gee if you're not comfortable showing your photo here please contact me on Discord for further verification. Find me using


I'll be expecting you!

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