Achievement 4 by @Botefarm Task : Applying Markdowns

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

In order to make content orderly and beautiful to read and also make it presentable before curators, it is necessary to learn proper markdown of content. This deals with how to properly structure text and content, images and links, input headlines, superscript and subscript and so on, rest assured I won't bore you with all of them, just five or six because those codes if not taken one after the other can be too buggy to understand.


First on the list is how to add headlines to content. you only need the # sign at the front of the word you want to make headlines in other to become so. Also, the # can be repeatedly stationed in front of a word to make it bigger or smaller. The greater the number of # signs the smaller the word reduces. example

Botefarm is the best

Botefarm is the best

Botefarm is the best

Botefarm is the best

Botefarm is the best

You will notice that the first is bigger with just one # while the last one is very small because it has five #. Something like this
# Botefarm is the best
## Botefarm is the best
### Botefarm is the best
#### Botefarm is the best


Another markdown style that can aid your content to look cleaner is the CENTER markdown. This can be used to write a topic or subtopic of content. Whenever you want to centre a word, all you have to do is add the code
<center> text here </center> to make it look like this

text here


Next is the proper alignment of text to the left or right, It happens when you're writing a post that needs to write in two languages arise, thereby you need to write one in English and another in another language, aligning text to the left or right comes in handy in here. and this is done by the use of :
<div class="pull-right">

Text Right The little boy jumped over the big black fence
TEXT LEFT El niño saltó la gran cerca negra


Sometimes, it is necessary to tabularize content to make it easy for readers to comprehend, to do this, a table needs to be constructed.

Copy and paste the below and add as many headers and cells you need.

Word | Opposite
--------- | ----------
White | Black

Will produce>>



When you want to upload a video link, just copy the link, the thumbnail will be automatically generated, this goes for DTUBE videos too. this also applies to links of the post, whenever a link is dropped, the system automatically recognises it as a link and highlight it as such.


Lastly, is the use of code, when you want to write a post and it involves some codes you want to teach your audience, these can be done either through the code syntax or the use of ' and ' at the end of such code.

a. Adding one back-tick (`) before and one after the markdown syntax

or b. you can use <code> before and after the command </code> at the end of the word/sentence

<code> *botefarm* </code> output will be >> botefarm

So far, HEADLINE, CENTER, CODING, ALIGNMENT TO LEFT & RIGHT and TABLE have been discussed and I hope you fully understand how to properly do this.

To further understand more markdown down, here are the useful links to learning markdown.

Markdowns Templates Compilation
Markdown Cheatsheet
Emoticons You may use

To the attention of @cryptokannon, @steemitblog and @armstrongdinho @emmyrubby @prolee
@bright-obias @ngoenyi

 3 years ago 

Hi @botefarm,


You have been successfully verified by amjadsharif, you can further proceed to next Achievement Task.

Rate: 2

 3 years ago 

Congratulation on your successful verification of Achievement Task-4.

We cordially invite you to join our Steem Tech & Gadgets community. We all will work together for success and support each other.

This community is created to explore new technology and innovations happening around the world and to connect with tech experts and leaders and get reviews on the latest tech gadgets.

Regards @printskill

 3 years ago 

Hi, @botefarm,

Your post has been supported by @inspiracion from the Steem Greeter Team.

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