Task for Achievement 3 by @aonraza: Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

Have you ever been accused of plagiarizing somebody else's work?

Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's words or ideas without giving credit, usually when one does not have the right to do so. In other words, it's when you use any other person’s words or thoughts and put your own spin on them without getting permission first. What would constitute as incorrect usage can vary from time to time depending on the type of material that has been written prior to its being submitted for publication. In certain fields, plagiarism is completely unacceptable as it can lead to severe consequences.

Most people don't realize that what they may consider "borrowing" someone's work may actually be considered plagiarism. This is because most people aren't aware of the rules regarding writing what is constitutes actually as a citation skill and that what can doesn't. be In honed, order just to as avoid anything being else. accused Once of you plagiarizing recognize another how individual's the work, things we that recommend you that read you and use hear references are whenever often possible put in together, order in to what make order, sure and that in you what are context, not you'll infringing realize on how someone easy else's it words is or to thoughts. plagiarize Also, something. the Most more people familiar don't you realize become that with there a are subject, so the many more ways likely to you'll make be up able a to piece compose of your writing own or original information ideas and on putting it. your spin on a subject can be done through word choice and you sentence of structure.

Remember plagiarism is just one example of many ways to write. Keep in mind that even if what you're writing is completely original, plagiarism can still be used as a factor in judging your work.
Author: Syed Aon Raza Source

Most people are not aware that they could end up being accused of plagiarism. They think that once they write something that's their own, they're free to use other people's the work rest.

There without is any a repercussions. line in what constitutes plagiarism and what doesn't. This depends on who is reading it. Remember, though, that even if you write the most original work in the world, it could still be considered plagiarism if you neglect to cite your sources with reference citation or provide the correct format for a citation. The perception of plagiarism is going to be different depending upon whether you work for a company that wants everyone to follow the same rules or if you work for one that does not concern themselves with such things as long as they make money off of your hard work. In either case, learning how to properly cite sources will help you avoid being accused of plagiarizing someone else's work. case, you need to know how to cite your work accurately.

To avoid plagiarism, it's essential that you understand the different types of citation and then learn to cite them appropriately.
There are several different types of citation that you can use when writing an essay or report. Some of these types are more appropriate than others for certain types of information. For example, you would probably want to use a quote rather than a paraphrase when providing an author's opinion about something or using their opinion as evidence in support of your own argument. Cite both in the same citation, though, since obviously they're both pieces of evidence.

There are several different kinds of citations that you will need to know if you want to do a good job on your paper. There are five basic types of citation that you can use when writing. These can be used to support a number of different types of content and writing styles. For example, using many different types is useful when using quotes from texts as well as references from other books and articles. The five citation methods are:

  1. Parenthetical Citation
  2. Author-Date System
  3. Page Number System
  4. Notes and Bibliography Systems
  5. The Chicago Manual of Style

Proof of brain concept to earn money with your ideas on steemit platform

The "Proof of Brain" concept will empower Steemit's users with a proof that their content creates value and deserves a reward. This Proof, earned by powering up, will be visible to all other users of the network. Receiving rewards is based on votes from other users (called curators). However, if you produce thought-provoking content that others vote highly and share with others - you not only receive rewards but also build your reputation as being someone who produces quality work.

You win not only by getting paid, but also by having your reputation rise. Money is important, but being seen as someone who creates quality work has more value. If you are producing quality work and earning Steem, you will likely earn an ever-increasing reputation on the network because the other users know their work will be rewarded, and are more likely to upvote your posts.

If there is no Proof of Brain concept, people with good ideas will get less money than they deserve and their content will not be seen by many others. They receive fewer votes and their reputation for producing quality work diminishes over time. reputation will not grow.
The Proof of Brain concept will make Steemit a high quality network with valuable content and reputation.

Proof of brain concept to earn money with your ideas on steemit platform

The Proof of Brain concept will empower Steemit's users with a proof that their content creates value and deserves a reward. This Proof, earned by powering up, will be visible to all other users of the network. Receiving rewards is based on votes from other users (called curators).

I have read and understood the steemit etiquette in the steemit community and will do my best to embrace them.
Best Regards: @aonraza

 3 years ago 

Hi, @aonraza,

Your post has been supported by @rypo01 from the Steem Greeter Team.

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