Achievement 3 by @anyiglobal Task: Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

Hello steemians,
In this content, I will be exercising my knowledge on Plagiarism, content etiquette and the ways we can stop plagiarism. Just follow me throughout this content and you will learn alot about plagiarism. let's dive in!

You will have the basic knowledge on Plagiarism and also the steem community etiquette.

On this note, a user is only entitled to produce original content from their brain in order to get rewarded by Steem Blockchain, else, you're adviced favorably to cite any part of your content that comes from other peoples work "i.e. contents that does not come from your brain".


What is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism is a term used to refer to Stealing of another person's work as your own work without acknowledging the original creator of the content! Plagiarism is a bad act which should not be indulged into.

So if you're reading this content please try and start creating your own content that comes from your brain! Don't thief other people's content. Even if you mistakenly do, please try and acknowledge their great work and effort by sourcing the work appropriately using the link where it is located on their website.

Some people have lost their right to their content due to plagiarism. Please on a sounding note.. let me say it again, Don't take another person's glory in the name of plagiarism. For example, You copied someone's graphics design online, without acknowledging the person and without the person's consent, you went on and the sell the graphics design for money on stock photos selling websites like Shutterstock! In that way, you have taken the original designer's glory without acknowledgement and his consent.


Types of Plagiarism
Plagiarism is a very bad act, and below is the various types of plagiarism we have:
1. Direct Plagiarism
Also known as “word-for-word plagiarism” or “clone plagiarism,” direct plagiarism involves copying an entire piece of work by someone else and claiming it is your own original work. This is what many people associate with plagiarism, and it is easy for teachers and professors to detect. source

2. Hired Plagiarism
Hired plagiarism involves paying someone else to write an essay or research paper for you. This also includes buying essays from internet sites or essay-writing services. It doesn’t have to be the entire essay or paper; it’s plagiarism to hire someone else to write any part of work you claim as your own.source

3. Borrowed Plagiarism
It’s also plagiarism to borrow essays from friends. You may have older friends who have taken a course years before from a different instructor. If you use a paper or part of a paper written by a friend for a past course, this is considered borrowed plagiarism.source

4. Self Plagiarism
Similarly, reusing your own work from a past class and passing it off as new work is also a type of plagiarism. This includes using all or part of a high school essay for a college assignment. It’s also self plagiarism to use the same essay or paper to fulfill two different assignments for two different courses.source

5. Mosaic Plagiarism
One of the most confusing types of plagiarism is mosaic plagiarism because it encompasses a lot of different behaviors. Also called “patchwork plagiarism” or “patch writing,” this type of plagiarism involves using part of someone else’s work and adding your own work to it. This includes “copy/paste” and “find and replace” plagiarism, where you replace certain words or sections with paraphrased work in an attempt to make it unique.source

6. Collaboration Plagiarism
This type of plagiarism involves collaborating on a project but acting like it was done alone. A group of students may get together to work on the research for a project and then each write his or her own essay based on the research. Because the work is not entirely original and that of the student claiming it, this is plagiarism.source

7. Contributing Author Plagiarism
Similarly, not crediting an author or editor who contributes to the work is considered plagiarism. For instance, if you and your partner work together on the project but only one of you gets credit, the person receiving credit is actually plagiarizing some of the work. Additionally, if someone edits your work and makes significant changes in the process, that person should be credited to avoid plagiarism.source

8. Aggregated Plagiarism
An essay or paper doesn’t have to be a word-for-word copy of another work to be plagiarism. If your paper is based on another paper and uses the same ideas and the same sources, it may be aggregated plagiarism. Rewriting the language used does not make the paper or essay unique if the sources and ideas are the same.source

9. Outline Plagiarism
Similarly, using the same structure with new information is considered plagiarism. Outline plagiarism, also called “retweet plagiarism,” uses the outline of another paper. The thesis statement is the same, as are the basic points in each paragraph. The sources and actual writing may be unique, but the paper or essay is not entirely original content.source

10. Bibliography Plagiarism
Passing off research done by someone else is also a form of plagiarism. If you use the bibliography from another paper, you are plagiarizing that research. Even if you write a paper that is unique and has a different thesis, the research is not yours. On a similar note, extending a bibliography with sources not used in the paper is a form of plagiarism too.source

11. Secondary Source Plagiarism
If your paper mentions primary sources and cites those properly but then uses info from secondary sources without citing them, you are committing secondary source plagiarism. For instance, you may have some interviews you did with early settlers in your community, and you may properly cite those sources. However, if you also bring in information from some newspaper articles from the era you’re describing and don’t cite the articles in your sources, you are committing plagiarism.source

12. Accidental Plagiarism
Finally, it’s possible to accidentally plagiarize other work if you are doing a lot of research for a paper. You may come across ideas and forget where you saw them, thinking they are your own. You may even be influenced by the language used in a piece of writing and inadvertently use the same language in your work. This kind of plagiarism is difficult to avoid, but making notes and trying to be aware of what you read can help.source

How To Avoid Plagiarism

  1. Make sure everything comes from your head, think with your brain and come up with something unique.
  2. Make sure you understand the content you're about to write before proceeding with your content.
  3. Be confident in yourself.
  4. Take time and create your content, don't rush
  5. Lastly, invite God to be with you when creating your content

"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them!"


Special thanks to

 3 years ago 

But I source all the contents I got from another content!

 3 years ago 

boss75 I want to delete the post, please how can i delete the post?

 3 years ago (edited)

@fombae @ngoenyi Please review my work again! I have done some neccessary corrections to the content.
Thanks in advance!

Hi @anyiglobal, please add more details about plagiarism, like the types of plagiarism

 3 years ago 
 3 years ago 

@ngoenyi I have added more contents. Please check again. Achievement 4 loading...

 3 years ago 

@fombae please check again. I've the correction. Thank you!

 3 years ago 

Most of your work is cited, please try to edit your work in your own words. Meaning put your work in your own understanding and avoid citations to proof that you have a good understanding of the topic Content Etiquette

 3 years ago 

@fombae those cited works are only types of plagiarism and the image of which they cannot be an original content. Besides how can I list types of plagiarism without citing it.. that one cannot be my original content! Check other ones and not that one please. Help me it's been long!

 3 years ago 

I personally don't want to see any cited section, this achievement is for you to do your research and and make your post.

 3 years ago 

@fombae lolzz... I understand. I have done the corrections, check again

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