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Hey @mile16, this is Aniqa Mashkoor one of the greeter helpers.
You have successfully completed your achievement 4 and now you can head towards completion of achievement 5. Please read and understand it first Achievement 5 : Understanding The Steem Tools
Task Rate: 3
Remember that achievement 5 has 4 tasks and you have to make separata e post postseach task. And each task must be posted in Newcomers' Community. Get ready for a hands on hands-once of steemit tools.
Checkout these beginner level introductory courses to help you more in The Steemit Crypto Academy : Season 3 : Beginners Level Introductory Courses
Your are now eligible to be a part of Newcomer's Support program which is 500SP Minnow Support Program
Muchas graciasss , que alegría por esta verificación , gracias por los consejos dados para mis próximos logros,aahora rumbo a un logro mas a pasos firmes