Some tips to add value to Steemit Newcomers community /

Some tips to add value to Steemit ecosystem
Go forward to the next level! Be an asset to Steemit ecosystem!!
Yesterday, I shared a post in Writing & Reviews Community, that I'd like to invite you to read as a complement to this one wherein you are right now. I'll share the link at the end of this post.

And something interesting came out of that post, since @steemcurator01 commented on that, to give his opinion about it, and to suggest 2 aspects to consider beyond what I had shared:

Commenting on others posts (this is something that they consider in curation)

Add value to #steemit platform

So... the first point it's quite simple, but I'd like to guide you a bit in the second one, having into account what I have learnt in this time as part of this ecosystem:

How to add value to Steemit?
We'll take a look at 5 points today. Then we'll continue learning about it.

I'll try to keep it as simple as I can, by sharing some points that you could implement in order to achieve that:

1- Change the focus of your post
Stop focusing your writings on your own life and activities, and start focusing them on what steemians could need. It doesn't mean that you don't have to share things about yourself and your likes, you are a blogger here and you can write... honestly.... whatever you want.

But if you want to add real valuable content for Steemit, you have to rotate your publications and share some orientated... here go some examples:

Help others
Create tutorials
Guide newcomers
Explain Steemit ecosystem
Share the rules of Steemit ecosystem
Others that you can think about
2- Promote the rules of coexistence
To add value to Steemit, you don't need only to respect the rules, but you have to promote them. This is related to the previous point, but the thing is that we don't need only to know for example... how to make our posts prettier with Markdown, but we need to let others learn what they have to avoid, not only for their own good but primarily to make this ecosystem a fair space.

For people who are curating and administrating (or moderating) communities, it's extremely difficult to check this as plagiarism and duplicates accounts. It's an extra job and time isn't enough to cover all these tasks But... sooner or later these things come out to light, and the person who ends losing is the one that copy or created 2 accounts.

So... we need to build, every day, this platform with values as honesty, originality, commitment, engagement, and responsibility.

If you are looking to achieve this, you will be adding value to the Steemit platform.

3- Keep some SP
This is a blockchain, and SP that we all keep in our accounts, help to the growth of Steemit and all we the users.

I know and I also share the situation that we need this money. But I don't say keep all the SP, just... try not to make power down, or... put some limits to this. The more SP we all keep, the more possibilities to Steem increases its value. And tell me... wouldn't it be great for Steemit, including all of us?

4- Teach others
How to? Well... when you are commenting on a post that could improve, mostly for applying markdown, I mean, justifying the text, centering pictures, adding captions, adding links, and others; let the user know how could he or she do to achieve that. Not in a busy way, but in a kind one.

With your comment, you can teach.

At this point, it's very important to mention that you have to comment on other posts. This platform is an ecosystem that moves and works thanks to the movement of all of us. So... commenting will allow you to say to the entire platform: Hey! I am really committed to you all.

5- Be trustworthy and give yourself to Steemit
You can have a Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or any other page, but...

1- You could use them to promote Steemit

2- Create your content for those social media, but reserve exclusive content for Steemit.

Beyond differences that exist because of the nature of these social media (centralized or not), in those others, you could become a monetized user or not. On Steemit your rewards come from your content, with a vote.

So... add value, creating content that will be exclusively here. I find that idea great, I couldn't copy the same post and share it on any other website or social media.

Your exclusive and original content will define you!! And at the same time, you are adding value to #steemit.


This is everything for today, start applying all these points, and those shared on the post below, and you'll begin adding real value to the platform.

Recommended reading:

How to be successful on Steemit?

Thank you very much fr reading
Have a wonderful day,

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