Achievement 3 by @allbert Task : Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

What is Plagiarism

Hello @cryptokannon, my name is @allbert. The first time I was told about Steemit, it was presented to me as a social network based on blockchain... In which the most important thing is to generate original content that enriches the platform. At first, I didn't understand very well.

But after almost a year in Steemit, I understand this concept. Originality is everything here, and this is why Plagiarism is something so serious for us. Since it is a practice that goes against the basic principle of Steemit: Original Content.

Today I present to you my Achievement 3 Assignment: Content Etiquette and plagiarism.

O9IY3W0.jpgPlagiarism is stealing ideas. Source.

The Merrian-Webster dictionary defines plagiarize as follows:

"to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own: use (another's production) without crediting the source."Source.

When we read it, we actually realize that it is a very easy concept to understand. Even so, there are some people who are not very clear about it.

In the world sometimes the concept of plagiarism is not clear, in fact, many people take advantage of some gray areas to make their plagiarism without any punishment.

I could talk about several cases, but as you know I am a musician, so I will talk a little about plagiarism in the world of music.

There are certain areas of human activity where plagiarism can be easily recognized. However, in the world of music, it is not always feasible to accuse someone of plagiarism.

Music basically consists of 12 musical notes and 6 musical figures. From the combination of these can be generated infinite pieces, however, there are occasions where we find suspiciously similar pieces.

One of the most famous cases of plagiarism that I know of is the one that happened in the Queen and David Bowie song "Under Pressure" and the Vanilla Ice song "Ice Ice Baby".

12.jpgFreddie Mercury and David Bowie's 'Under Pressure'.Source.

At the heart of the problem was that Vanilla Ice took the bass riff from Under Pressure, modified it a few notes, and used it as the basis for his song. Queen's reaction was immediate, accusing him of plagiarism. Vanilla Ice's response was:

It's not the same since he had modified a few notes, therefore "It's not the same.Source.

You can read more about this case by accessing this article.Go to Article.

In this case, Vanilla Ice definitely played dirty because even though we all know they plagiarized, by the strict standards of music... The riffs really aren't the same.

However, sometimes plagiarism is a little harder to detect.

The problem with music is that it sticks in our brains easier than text or an image does. That's why the best commercials have a catchy song that sticks with you.

Imagine that all the catchy songs you've heard since birth till now form a sort of memory library in your mind. A kind of internal playlist of which we are not fully aware. Could you count how many songs or tunes you know? Maybe not... But your brain recognizes them as soon as they start playing.

The most difficult problem in detecting plagiarism in music is to identify whether a piece that sounds suspiciously similar to another was intentional plagiarism or simply an inspiration influenced by that library of tunes swirling around in our heads.

What motivates a Plagiarist?

Anyone could say that the main sin and error of someone who commits plagiarism is the plagiarism itself. The need to take shortcuts, the laziness to think.

I don't think so... I think the main sin of these people is to believe that the rest of the world is stupid. Believing that they are smarter than everyone else and that no one will find out. That's called arrogance.

The arrogance of believing that the road to success has shortcuts.

Plagiarism also brings another problem, it leaves without recognition the hard work and the creativity of other people, because when someone plagiarizes takes all the credit without mentioning the real source.

It's not bad to take inspiration or information from a source, as long as you give recognition to those who have made a real effort.

For example, the first image I use in this post belongs to a website that shares their designs for free, with the only condition of adding a link to their page, which credits them as the creators. How not honor such a deal?

Plagiarism definitely goes against the soul of our platform. It attacks all of us as Steemians. For that reason:

"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them."

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