Achievement 3 by @aizazghumman || Task Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

Hi steemians its me @aizazghumman . i hope you are all good i have complete my Achievement 2 task already . Today i am writing Achiement task 3 about Task Content Etiquette. i hope you will like it

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What is Plagiarism ?

In my views plagiarism is a crime if you steal someone ideas and put in your content and gain credit is called plagiarism.
For example your friend had you current English teacher he gives you one of him essays that recieved a B+ Grade you make a few changing and submit it is called plagiarism .
On STEEMIT platform if you can wrote your own words and then you will have 100% chances to get good vote from curators .

Types of plagiarism

  • Clone: Submitting another work word-for-word as ones own .

  • CTRL+C : A text from without single source .

  • Find&Replace : Changing key word and phrase .

  • Remix : Phrases from multiple sources.

  • Recyle : Borrows from the writers.

How to avoid Plagiarism

  • First of all, if you collect data from other authors always give the link what you copy from there.

  • If you collect some ideas from someone or you read any line or an Article try to explain that in your own words.

  • If it’s an educational document check it before posting there are many sites for check plagiarism.

  • At the end try to write your own content because on Steemit we support original content.

"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"


 3 years ago 
Congratulations... You have been verified for this Achievement 3 assignment and you can move on to the next assignment in Achievement 4 on Applying Markdown.

Previously, please read the assignment guide by visiting the following link Applying Markdown

Curator's note: Value 2

Best Regard,

 3 years ago 

please put a remarks,
"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them" at the end of this task post.

 3 years ago 

kindly check it i already put it that remarks in my achievement 3 post . but you have not verified so far kindly check it .

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