Achievement 5 Task 2 by @airlikem: Review of Steemscan

Hello Everyone,
I have read and noted the achievement 5 task 2 requirements in the post made by @cryptokannon on Steemscan and glad to present my take on the homework task, Review of Steemscan. Steemscan is a decentralized application on Steem Network which functions as a block explorer for the Steem Ecosystem developed by @futureshock and @roadfrich . Hope you enjoy reading my submission.

The price of STEEM as at the time of this post stands at $0.65. This means that, 1 STEEM coin is sold for $0.65 on any exchange market but the actual price may vary slightly across exchanges.
The is a current supply of 395063452STEEM/9867873SBD which is the amount of STEEM/SBD in circulation.
Latest Transaction
All information is shown under latest transactions shows the latest activities of Steem users as they have taken place on the Steem blockchain including Voting, Comments, Transfers, Delegation, and Claims .
The major sections displayed are details on
- Block ID
- ID
- Sender
- Receiver
- Type
- Amount

Latest Block
Information on generated blocks are displayed under this sections with details on ID, Height, Timestamp , Number of Block Transactions and Witness. Height represents the total number of blocks mined.

Witness are miners or block validators for the Steem network. The various information shown under the Witness section includes:
- Rank
The position of a witness amongst other by merit of votes - Witness
Username of witness - Approval (MV)
- Status
Active status of witness - Version
Software version - Missed
Number of blocks missed - Feed Price
- Reg Fee
- Vote
To vote for a Witness:
- Visit Steemscan and navigate to the Witness menu. Choose a witness and click on Vote under the Vote section corresponding to the witness

- Click on Continue to continue as the menu pops up

- Sign in with your private active key to continue the transaction

- Click on Approve in the next menu to complete the transaction

- Once the transaction is completed, you can view the transaction details by clicking on the ID from the feedback

DApps is coined from the phrase decentralized applications. Just as the name suggests, DApps are applications that delegate control to its users with the intervention of a third party. Users are responsible for their own security and management and take part in decision making. The various use cases involve gaming, utility, social , finance and health.
Amongst the DApps on Steem network, I am fascinated by SteemWorld , Dtube and Steemit

Quick Convert makes fast STEEM/BTC, STEEM/TRX and STEEM/USDT exchange possible .
To make and exchange:
- Enter the amount of STEEM to trade
- Select the pair to trade with(USDT, BTC, TRX)
- Enter the withdrawal address in the field provided
- Click on Create Order to confirm
- You will be asked to approve the transaction with your private active key.
Current Fees Charged on 1 STEEM Exchange
Conversion to USDT attracts a fee of 1.00656045 USDT
Conversion to BTC attracts a fee of 0.00050012 BTC
Conversion to TRX attracts a fee of 0.07560000 TRX
The Search feature assists in retrieving information on Transactions, Blocks and Account. using the ID and username for accounts.
Additional parameters such as transaction type, transfer account, receiver account and their dates are provided in this feature in order to make searches more efficient and specific.

@heriadi can you please verify my achievement post for me please. It's been long🙏