in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

Greetings, fellow Steemians. Let's talk about Plagiarism and how it can be avoided.

Plagiarism refers to the fraudulent practice of taking someone else's work and/or ideas and presenting it as your own with or without the consent of the original creator. Over the past few years the problem of plagiarism has been on the rise due to the availability and affordability of the internet; many individuals would rather plagiarize than go through the intellectual process necessary for coming up with original content and this has led to subsequent reduction in the quantity of original content.
Thankfully, social platforms like STEEMIT have taken the initiative to create a community where plagiarism is strictly disciplined and it has resulted in a significant increase in the number and quality of original content in the community.

Types of Plagiarism:
Global plagiarism.
Paraphrasing plagiarism.
Verbatim plagiarism (copy & paste)
Mosaic plagiarism (patchwork plagiarism)
Incorrect citation.

Please feel free to find out more about the types of plagiarism here


Penalty for plagiarism:
Here on Steemit, efforts have been made and policies have been put in place to discourage plagiarism in the community; to this end, plagiarized posts on Steemit will be heavily downvoted by members of the community, and the account will be subject to any penalty deemed fit by the moderators.

How to avoid plagiarism:

  1. Invest in your own creativity and try to be original.
  2. Don't always resort to copying someone else's work.
  3. Make sure to always give proper citation when necessary.
  4. when necessary, get the consent of the owner of the intellectual property you wish to apply in your work.


Plagiarism is stealing.
Plagiarism shows that you're not capable of thinking critically, much less expressing your own thoughts and ideas.
Avoid Plagiarism.

Visit our Steemit FAQ to read more about Plagiarism.

Thank you for reading.
Heartfelt gratitude to @cryptokannon @focusnow and @kadosh2340 for this incredible opportunity.

P.S: The images used here were designed by me.

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