Monuments of my city by @yulirosario27 🗽🧱🏆

In every state of my country Venezuela there is a square named after our liberator Simón Bolívar, the Bolívar square of my state has a monument of the hero of the homeland Simón Bolívar carved by the architect, sculptor, carver and restorer Luís López Diez, who delivered the statue ready in 1957.


This statue was sponsored by the then President Marcos Pérez Jiménez, when he was overthrown the same people attacked the statue and broke part of the writing that the President had devised, which was on the side of the pedestal and read "America was for Simón Bolívar, the vast stage of his great ideals in the liberation of the peoples and that of their unification" only part of the writing could be rescued and it still remains today, "America was for Simón Bolívar".

This statue is a posthumous recognition of the efforts of this hero who in life was ignored and had many detractors to the project of freedom that followed the famous hero Francisco de Miranda, Bolivar after so many years of struggle and to liberate several countries and to have crystallized his dream, they were against him and eventually ended up defeated, the Gran Colombia dissolved, expelled from his own country, spending his last days sick, penniless, with borrowed clothes, in a foreign country.


Many years later all his work for freedom was recognised and nowadays he is the main Liberator of Venezuela, all Venezuelans mainly honour him through monuments, this monument that can be seen in the photograph shows the faithful companion of the Liberator, his white horse and his sword, thus recognising his arduous effort to give us freedom.


Monument: Sphinx Al Libertador made of Bronze.
Pedestal: made of Marble
Location: Plaza Bolivar, El Tigre, Anzoategui State, Venezuela.
Photograph: Taken by an Alcatel 1 cellular device.

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