My Favourite colour: GREEN | 🌈 Color Palette Contest by @olesia and @dmitrik 🌈 | Announcement of the winners of the week#9 and the beginning of the week#10

Hello everybody,
Since the contest was opened, I decided to participate with my favourite colour, green. All these days I have been collecting green wherever I went, and I have found that it is a universal colour and that in nature there is no other green like it, the range is immense. On the other hand, everyday objects, food, clothes... I had the impression that everything was impregnated with green. Well, here you have my palette of greens which has not been retouched at all, there was no need! I hope you like it.

Hola a todo el mundo.
Desde que se abrió la convocatoria del concurso, me decidí a participar con mi color favorito, el verde. Todos estos días he ido recopilando color verde allá donde iba, y he comprobado que es un color universal que además, en la naturaleza no hay un verde igual, la gama es inmensa. Por otro lado, objetos de la vida cotidiana, comida, ropa... me ha dado la impresión de que todo estaba impregnado de verde. Pues bueno, aquí os dejo mi paleta de verdes que no ha sido retocada en absoluto ¡No hacía falta! Espero que os guste.

Collection of domestic objects and a pear.
Recopilación de objetos domésticos y una pera:


The wall of an old factory near my parents' house
La pared de una vieja fábrica cerca de la casa de mis padres:


Plate of "penne al pesto" with basil, olive oil and... green reigns supreme
Plato de "penne al pesto" con albahaca, aceite de oliva... impera el verde:


Green is the typical colour of the blinds where I live:
Verde es el color típico de las persianas del lugar donde vivo:


And finally, Mother Nature
Y por último, la madre naturaleza


It only remains for me to thank the organisers @olesia and @dmitrik for giving us the possibility to express our vision of what surrounds us.

Solo me queda agradecer a los organizadores @olesia y @dmitrik la posibilidad que nos ofrecen para expresar nuestra visión de lo que nos rodea.

All the photographs I publish are mine.

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