A good evening to all Steemians in the community and to @nesmeliy for this initiative that brings us back to a memory of our past. Memories that were never forgotten because it touches our soul.

"When words fail, music speaks and when it does it goes right through the heart and soul"

Music is a part of our lives and yes I believe one way or another, somehow Music consoled our heart and soul when we are downhearted at times and celebrated with us during our happy moments. Music itself is life and I couldn't imagine how life would be without music.

As a music lover I've heard different kinds of songs in different genres and there's this one song that I can't forget and I've labeled it as a Song of my Soul.

When You Belive by Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston


A song sang by two great vocal singers of all time and became a soundtrack to an animated musical film The Prince of Egypt.

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I first heard this song when I was in 4th grade when my classmate/seatmate sang a few lines of the song in front of me and I fell inlove with it right at that moment. This was the first song that made me listen to the radio waiting for the song to be played because I was really dying to know the lyrics so I could memorize the entire song. It's very challenging because you really have to listen to the song and write the lyrics on a piece of paper at the same time since computers and internet are very limited and expensive that time unlike today's generation where searching through the web is very accessible.

I became more fascinated to this song the moment I understood the lyrics and the message it convey. It simply inspires and motivates the listener that miracles tend to happen when you believe. No matter how hard life is, even when hopes are in vain always believe in the power of prayers and that miracle will always happen for those who truly believes.

"When You Believe" is a very beautiful song, the reason why I considered this as the "Song of my Soul" and forever it will be.


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