Animal Farm, George Orwell - review by @papi.mati

in Steem-BRU (BY-RU-UA)3 years ago

Animal farm

"Animal Farm" by George Orwell is a book that everyone should read. It's not an accident that it is in the canon of the most important books of the 20th century in so many places around the world. I reached the "Animal Farm" for the second time, reading it in the original, in English. The book is short, you can read it quickly and you can actually finish it after two or three days, but the enormity of the thoughts it causes stays with you for weeks.

This anti-utopian story about animals smuggles a universal truth - those who get to the power, even in the name of great ideas, can use their position for their own needs, especially if they are not guarded by society. When we are naively deceived by the idea of ​​the common good, it may turn out that, quoting the book, "we may be equal, but they are also more equal". Previous reality can come back quickly. After all, the whip is a proven method. The opposition, on the other hand, will be the worst enemy, responsible for each failure of the new and most wonderful system. Even secret documents will be found surprisingly, very convenient.

While reading "1984", a thought was racing in my head: how can you get manipulated like that? "Animal Farm" brilliantly shows this process. From beautiful ideas and fighting for them, through milk and apples, to a thought-provoking ending.

It seems to be a short story about a farm ruled by animals, but in fact, it includes so many deep thoughts. I recommend to everyone that we should not let ourselves be manipulated like a Boxer, working hard and bravely for someone else's comfort and blind for our pain and discomfort. Especially that the text, intended to criticize the October Revolution and totalitarian regimes, mostly communism, easily finds analogies in modern times and democracies undergoing a crisis of populist governments. It's not just the story about the dangers from the past, it's the warning which still remains actual.

Thank you for reading,


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Hola estimado amigo: Pienso que más que vernos como un boxer es que tenemos que 'involucrarnos' con lo que creemos, con los principios . ¿Que algunos se benefician con eso? puede ser, lo que no debemos es ver los 'toros desde la barrera' por miedo a que nos usen.
Espero no ser impertinente, Saludos cordiales!

SPOILER ALERT - My comment contains some spoilers.

First of all, thank you for the comment. I am very happy that we can discuss the book, I love debate.

Sure, involvement in matters that are important to us is crucial. But I think we are talking about something completely different: if I understand correctly, what you described is civil society, grassroots activism - this is definitely worth promoting and in fact, some even suggest measuring the health of democracy by the scale of civil society activism. What I tried to express, maybe not clearly enough, is that for me the character of "Boxer" from the book is tragic not because of the work which he dedicated to something that he believed in, but more because of the naive character.

He believed in the impeccability of the new system even when everything appeared it's evil. Boxer was a very easy-to-manipulate character who sacrificed his health and worked beyond his own strength for free for the pigs repeating over and over again "Comrade Napoleon is always right", the pigs are "immaculate" and "wonderful". How did he finish? Lured by a visit to the vet and sold by pigs to the slaughterhouse.

I think that the lesson from this reading does not necessarily suggest not to become active in what we love. Sure, such activism is very important. I think the real lesson is not to do it at the expense of your own health and, most importantly, always keep an open mind ready to criticize. The boxer was killed by the excessive idealization of power, which exploited him subtly and then sentenced him to death.

I'm looking forward to hearing your opinion. Always ready to debate, always ready to change my mind. All the best to you, my friend!

Básicamente estoy de acuerdo, nadie quiere pecar de ingenuo, pero siempre habrà quien quiera pescar en río revuelto. Estamos en lìnea amigo!

 3 years ago 

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