Contest "the book I am reading:" week #2

Greetings to all I hope and you are very well, today I am participating in the contest the book that I am reading by @greatketty

I am passionate about reading books and more those that help me to be better every day.

The book that I show you is called "the five languages ​​of love" its author is Gary Chapman, and the book is about how each person has a special way of receiving or appreciating love.


It is a guide that helps us understand the way in which both we and our partner feel loved.

Gary Chapman exposes that love is expressed through languages ​​and that there will be some who understand some languages ​​more than others. We all have a primary language of love with which we receive and give a higher percentage of love.

These are the five languages ​​of love:

1 • Affirmative words:
Words are important, they are fundamental acts for people who speak this language of love.
Example: thank, affirm, praise etc.


2 • Quality time: For people who speak this love language, spending time with your partner is important and a very valuable act.
Example: going to the movies, watching movies, having a romantic dinner, talking.


3 • Gifts:
Giving details whether large or small is very important for those who speak this language.
Example: make letters, confencia something, details.


4 • Acts of service:
Being more helpful and helping your partner with things at home is an act of love for those who speak this language.
Example: cleaning, cooking, paying bills, accommodating.


5 • Physical touch:
Physical contact is important, they are meaningful acts for people who speak this love language.
Example: kissing, caressing, hugging, holding hands, having sex.


Expressing the other's primary love language can lead to a radical change in the relationship.

Love is a voluntary act that takes place day by day.
(Gary Chapman)

 3 years ago 

Compliance check:

  • The post must be written in the community @Steem-BRU (BY-RU-UA) - ✔
  • At least 150 words - ✔
  • No plagiarism (Please don't use Wikipedia! Write your information!) - ✔
  • 2 or more of your own photos - ✔
  • In any language - ✔
  • Invite two of your friends to participate in the contest via @ - ☂
  • Provide a payment of 10% for @steem-bru - ✔
  • Be sure to post a link to your post under this ad - ✔
  • The first tag should be #thebook, the second #bru, and the third should be the name of your country - ✔

Thank you!

Sencillo e interesante, un post hecho con cariño y con muchos detalles, felicitaciones!

I'm glad you liked it, thank you very much.

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