in Steem-BRU (BY-RU-UA)3 years ago (edited)


So basically it's a whole novel series called "The wolves of mercy" comprises of 4 books which are Shiver, Linger, forever and sinner. My personal Favorite is shiver and i read that novel many times just because it's full of love,determination and devotion as you can see this aesthetic shot from me,and the butterfly i can say is a bookmark XD and the book is highly recommended! Now I'll tell you what actually this book is; Shiver is a novel of the young-adult fiction, romance and fantasy genre set in Mercy Falls. It revolves around the lives of, Grace Brisbane, a young teenage girl, with an unexplained attraction to a yellow-eyed wolf who roams in the forest near her home. And Samuel K. Roth (Sam), a boy living a dual life, one of a wolf and the other of a human. He is the yellow-eyed wolf, Grace sees every now and then. This book is written with the alternating point of views of both Grace and Sam. The unexplained attraction of Grace is revealed, that her 11 year old self was about to be eaten up by wolves, but was saved by a yellow-eyed wolf. And for 6 years and till now, Grace has been looking at the forest in search of her saviour, and every winter, he returns her gaze since winter is the time Sam transforms into a wolf from human. The death of Jack Culpeper, a student at Grace's school, spreads terror throughout the small community of Mercy Falls, as it is suspected that he has been killed by the wolves. This leads to the decision to hunt them, with Grace's attempt to deter the shooters resulting in her discovery of Sam, except now in human form. Having been shot, he had unwillingly transformed into his human state, recognisable to Grace only from his eyes. Grace takes him to the hospital where his bullet is removed through surgery. When Sam and Grace are left alone, he awakens from his anaesthesia much earlier than expected. Sam recognizes Grace and reveals to her, his identity and that quick healing is a side effect of being a werewolf. Sam prompted Grace to escape with him from the hospital before the doctors discover him without any visible wound. Grace invites Sam over to her place and Sam reluctantly agrees and fell asleep with her. Later on, Sam attempts to convince Grace that she must also be a werewolf as she was attacked by them when she was younger. But she hadn’t transformed, much to Grace’s confusion.


At school, Isabel Culpeper tells Grace that she has seen her brother alive in the woods. Jack had told her that Grace could explain how he was alive, but to protect the pack, Grace lies and implies Isabel has gone mad. Sam drives to the home of his adoptive farther, Geoffrey Beck, because the pack all lived there together over the summer months. Upon arriving at the house, Sam finds Beck and a van containing three newly turned werewolves. Disgusted that Beck would put others through the pain of transforming, he leaves. After meeting Grace’s parents, the next morning he finds Grace being attacked by a werewolf, Shelby. Protecting his girlfriend, he gets injured. Isabel confronts Grace at school by showing a stack of Olivia's photos, containing two pictures of Jack, both as a wolf and as a human. Forced into revealing the pack's secrets, Grace invites Isabel over to her house, where she and Sam explain about the werewolves. Sam finds Isabel and Jack in the woods, returning to the Culpeper mansion with them, discovering that Jack has been trying to find a cure to become human. Convinced that Grace had not transformed because of the existence of a cure, he decides to find her. Waiting for Sam to pick her up from school, Grace climbs into her car before realising it is Jack behind the wheel. He tells her she must give him the cure to be human again, using Sam as a way to get through to her, who he has as hostage. Grace calls Beck, alerting him to the situation. The two arrive at Beck's house soon after. Jack transforms into a wolf upon entering. Grace helps Beck to lock him in the bathroom, before calling Sam's mobile. He answers, saying he has been locked in a shed on the Culpeper's estate. Grace calls Isabel to help find him, as the temperature is about to drop, meaning that Sam would transform into his werewolf state. Isabel eventually finds him and brings him inside, saving him from the cold. Grace comes to the conclusion that nearly dying from heat stroke as a child cured her, as Isabel suggests that the same effect could be mirrored by injecting Sam and Jack with meningitis. After they inject the two boys, Sam transforms into a wolf, vanishing into the woods. Having not seen Sam in months, Grace finally finds him appearing at the edge of the woods behind her house in his human form. The story ends with Grace and Sam embracing each other.




•Jack and Isabel are brother and sister. The Culpepers.
•Grace and Sam’s chemistry is bomb. Like you don’t usually feel the tension while reading, but they make you feel it. (It’s the quality of the writer though)
•Olivia is Grace’s closest friend. And considers her more sensible than her own mom, Grace’s mom is weird and crazy at times. (That’s what I felt)
•I wonder if Grace’s mom has a past. Something that made her into a messed up mom.
•THE CHEMISTRY OF GRACE AND SAMMMMM (yes, I’m mentioning it again. It’s that goooodd)
•Geoffrey Beck adopted Sam at age 11, after his birth parents tried to kill him after discovering he had become a werewolf.
•Shelby is a troubled werewolf in the pack who was sexually abused in her human life. She was supposedly the female dominant of the pack, and Sam the male dominant. So she was infatuated with Sam, and jealous of Grace. That’s why trying to kill Grace.

Mentioning Respected,
@steemcurator01 @steemcurator02

 3 years ago 

thanks for the book. You described in such detail, as if I myself read))) reminds of the TV series "Twilight". Have you seen?

Welcome! ♥ yess i love thattt series..!

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