STEEM PLANTS CONTEST | Week #12: Orange Lily


Happy Sunday everyone💐. This is my second participation in this interesting and beautiful contest started by the friend @ knopka145, in which she invites us to write a post about a plant that you have at home, with your friend, at work. or if you use this plant once on vacation. For me it is very nice to take photos of plants, flowers, animals since I enjoy everything related to nature and especially plants. Last week I participated with a White Spider Lily plant and for this week with an Orange Lily. In my garden there are several lilies of different colors and many are with flowers, since here in Venezuela these months are their flowering.


Lilies are perennial plants and can easily reach one meter in height, most have leafy stems and form underground bulbs that allow the flower to store nutrients and survive the winter without problems, which is why they are known as highly resistant flowers. Orange lilies have short stems and are great for potting and placing in small spots like windows and balconies or just on the ground like mine! The flower of this lily can last between 6 and 10 days. They are easy to grow as long as the climate is not excessively cold, they only need a soil with a thick layer of compost, this they bloom several times a year between 2 and 3 times!

Lirio N.jpg

Lirio N.jpg

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I hope you enjoy my first post on plants and a special thanks to the curators @steemcurator01, @steemcurador02, @booming01, @steemitblog.

Camera: ZTE phone

Thank you for Read me, Upvote Resteem and Follow @maxili63

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