🌈 Color Palette Contest by @olesia and @dmitrik 🌈 | Week#5#|White

Hello my dear friends.
As we all know the color white transmits peace, purity, tranquility. White is used when performing relaxation techniques either in the wardrobe that we use or in the predominant tone of the environment where we perform them. In addition, white is highly recommended in the decorations of both our home, shopping centers or hospitals, since they also provide light and elegance.

In my house we have always surrounded ourselves with that tone, from most of its walls such as the flowers that adorn our garden, such as cayenne and vicarious or catharanthus, popularly known in my country Venezuela as "puticas", which In addition to beautifying, they offer us other utilities in the health area, since whores are used to treat some eye conditions, such as conjunctivitis, and also for tonsillitis, among other uses.


On the other hand, cayenne flowers are widely used in infusions to treat insomnia, nerves and for colds, being the red cayenne the most used for medicinal purposes. While in cosmetics, the leaves and flowers are used to treat the problem of dandruff, baldness and to contribute to the strengthening, growth and shine of hair.


I want to finish by thanking friends @olesia and @dimitrik for creating such a wonderful contest, which increases that desire for creativity that we carry inside and what better way than with the colors that represent us so much.

The photographs were taken with a huawei honor 7s cell phone

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