CLUB5050//CONTEST // #5 #5Movies That You Watch Over and Over Again//@luimer79

Best regards friends of the #Steem-BRU (BY-RU-UA) community. Today I'm participating in this interesting contest because I'm a movie lover, I love classics and old movies.

The movie I selected for this contest is a tribute to people with disabilities because last December 3rd was celebrated the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. This movie is Forrest Gump.



Forrest Gump is a 1994 American drama film directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise, Mykelti Williamson, and Sally Field.

The main theme of the story is based on several moments in the life of Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks), who without want to be is witness to various historical events that marked the history of the United States during the twentieth century.



The film begins in 1981 at a bus stop located in Savannah, Georgia, where a guy named Forrest Gump who spends a long time telling the story of his life to all the strangers who sat next to him on the bench where he was.

At the beginning of the film we learn that Forrest has an IQ of 75 below normal, which causes his speech and behavior to be slow, and he is also fitted with braces to correct his spine, resulting in ridicule and discrimination from the society where he lived. During his childhood he met his only friend Jenny who turned out to be the love of his life over the years.



One day any Forrest had to run away from some kids who wanted to hurt him and he had to run, showing us a fast runner with a corrected physical disability. Having become a fast runner over the years allowed him to receive a scholarship to play soccer at the University of Alabama in 1963, later becoming a football star, thanks to that Forrest had a meeting with President John F. Kennedy at the White House, who made a tribute to the soccer team.



On the other hand, Forrest always thought about Jenny, being a girl with multiple family problems and an inconstant presence in Forrest's life.

Several events marked Forrest's life such as his stay in the U.S. Army where he met his great friend Benjamin Buford Blue ("Bubba"), who motivates him to start the shrimp business after completing his military service. During his time in the army, he fought in the Vietnam War, where his good friend Bubba lost his life, and Forrest saved Lieutenant Dan's life.



Thanks to the army, Forrest became a Ping Pong player, a sport that allowed him to travel to China, becoming a sports celebrity, which led him to be interviewed with John Lennon on The Dick Cavett Show, influencing the song "Imagine"

Soccer player, war hero, captain of a shrimp boat, marathon runner, loyal friend of Lieutenant Dan, eternally in love with Jenny, dedicated father, Forrest was a person who never gave up, fought against all the adversities that came his way, and always knew how to take advantage of his qualities and was always willing to help anyone who needed it.



And so I end this brief review of one of my favorite movies, hoping that my publication is to your liking.

I invite @javima, @quiaratiby, @venturabogarin to participate in this contest to tell us everything related to their favorite movie.

By clicking on the LINK you will find what you need to know to participate in this contest.


Que hermosa película yo también cada vez que la repiten yo la veo excelente y me encanta como trabaja este actor. Gracias por la invitación.

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