PhotoContest "It's Autumn!" 4 - 15 STEEM! - On the branches, but not the leaves! By @loice-jane

Greetings from me to you all, it's an honor for me to partake in this Autumn contest


African Pear
African Pear or you can call it Bush pear, it is a native fruit that is mostly common in West Africa especially southeast Nigeria, it is also known as ube in Igbo language. African Pear has a lot of health benefits.

African Pear is a seasonal fruit that can be eaten alone or with roasted or cooked corn , the unripe one is pink in colour while the ripe one is dark purple, it has a lot of butter when roasted or melted in hot water


Fights against cancer

African Pear helps to fight against Cancer because of it's fibre which is found in African Pear and a decrease in Colon cancer because of the fibre found in it or the other nutrients like vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and essential fatty acid that it has.

Strengthens bones and teeth

The African pear is enrich with a lot of calcium and phosphorus; minerals found mainly in the bones and teeth of our body. It also helps to prevent stiff joint and bone pains

Helps to Maintain a Health skin

African Pear which is also known as ube has a lot of vitamin C which helps to take care of cell damage from free radicals even more than other fruits like oranges and lemons, it also helps to improve the texture of your skin by making it smoother and reducing wrinkles

Good for the heart

African Pear is enrich in soluble fibre which reduces absorption of cholesterol and bile acid from the small intestines, thereby lowering blood cholesterol level.

Prevents constipation

African Pear is also rich in fibre which helps to add bulk to stool thereby making bowel movement easier.

Reduces the Risk of Diabetes

African pears helps to reduce the risk of diabetes because of the vitamins and minerals found in it that play essential roles in controlling the blood sugar level.Carbohydrate found in African pears has a low glycemic index. It is slowly digested and metabolized to hinder the spiking of blood glucose levels, which causes diabetes.

Reduces Age-Related Diseases

The regular consumption of this fruit helps to slows the risk of macular degeneration in aged people.The African pears has exhibit strong antioxidants properties that help to prevent some age-related illness that causes poor vision.

Good For Pregnancy

African pear good for pregnancy It has a natural folic acid, which is very good in pregnancy.The folic acid found in African Pear helps prevent deficiencies in the baby's brain and spinal cord.African pear is enrich in carbohydrates, fiber, folate, pantothenate, and vitamins such as vitamin B6, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, and the antioxidant vitamin C, which helps to fight the free radicals in the bone


African pear doesn’t cause overweight; because it has a healthy lipids without any measure of cholesterol.


The seeds of African Pear are considered medicinal and nutritional just as the flesh is to human health.These seeds do moderate high blood pressure. To use it for this, put roots under the sun to dry, then grind into powdered form and used in tea for hypertensive persons to control their blood pressure.


African Pear has the essential nutrients such as antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals beneficial to human health, ranging from cancer prevention to bones and skin improvement.

Thanks for reading


 3 years ago 

спасибо за участие, никогда такого не видела)

Thanks for reading too

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