//🌴STEEM PLANTS CONTEST WEEK #11 🌴papaya garden🌴By-@konokreza//25 - 04 - 2021//


My best wishes and congratulations to
all the friends. I hope you are well. I'm
much better with him.

I am @konokreza came from Bangladesh
@knopka145 sir, I am very happy to participate here because it is my participation in this contest.
*Today I will discuss a color papaya garden among you. I hope you will like it a lot.

Today I am going to discuss about the papa Bagan which has been made in my backyard with a lot of hard work and care.I like to work in agriculture and I like to create a papaya garden because papaya is a very tasty fruit that I love to eat.

So let's see how I created my color papaya garden.🌴⤵️


I grew papaya in my own home. So I will show you how to plant papaya saplings.


At first I kept a papaya sapling, a nirani, and a vessel bani.
Then I dug a hole in the ground and put papaya seedlings in it and then I watered the seedlings.


What are the benefits of raw papaya:

Raw papaya contains anti-oxidants and phytonutrients, which work to prevent the formation of cancer cells in the body. Which can increase the risk of cancer.
Eating papaya raw papaya can get rid of colic and stomach problems. In addition to this, it also works to keep the digestive system coherent.
The use of raw papaya can be extremely beneficial for arthritis patients.
Use of raw papaya for liver and jaundice patients After jaundice it has a great effect on the liver and you can become weak. So to avoid this situation you need to eat raw papaya.
The vitamin properties present in raw papaya do not increase the risk of urinary tract infections. Most women are at risk for urinary tract infections. So these should be used more in raw papaya.

Why we water the trees:

Water is another name for life. Nothing is impossible without water, like the daily necessities of man, watering the trees, the tree cannot be chosen without water. So every tree should be taken care of. I also water these trees every morning. Because if you give water, the tree will be good and the fruit will be good.

Benefits of ripe papaya:

Papaya is a kind of vegetable. Ripe papaya is again a delicious fruit. It is also possible to earn financially by cultivating papaya.
High ground is good for papaya production. Papaya can be cultivated in almost all types of lands through cultivation.

I have presented to you a video of planting my papaya saplings.

Video link


Hey! do you plant papaya seedlings? Do you grow seedlings in pots? Do you get seeds from your fruits or do you buy them? :)

Thank you madam, yes madam I plant saplings. Madam I make saplings from the ripe papaya seeds of my tree. Madam, I pack the seeds of my tree and sell them in the market. Madam Thank you so much for visiting my post.

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