Kids of the World: The relationship between children and parents. 01-06-2021

‐ First of all I would like to thank @olesia and @soulwind who has always given us such a beautiful competition.

Assalamu Alaikum.

‐ My best wishes and congratulations to all the excited friends.

‐ I am from @konokreza Bangladesh.

@olesia and @soulwind, I sincerely thank you for sharing this with us and for giving me the opportunity to take part in this beautiful competition.

‐ I have participated in the last few competitions but I am very happy to be a part of this community.

‐ Today I am going to discuss a great topic among you and this great topic is pet cats in our country.

The relationship between children and parents.



‐ The relationship between children and parents is one of the best and sweetest in the world. Where the love of the parents for the child is pure and selfless. On the other hand, the child's love for parents has deep respect and gratitude. And the combination of all these builds a strong relationship between children and parents. And those relationships remain intact until the end of life.

‐ But these sweet relationships do not just become stronger. Every parent has to work hard from birth to take care of the relationship in order to bring up the children and bring them up as followers of the right path. Strengthening relationships requires that parents make it a habit to include their children in their daily routine. Let's take a look at some simple habits that are the easiest and most effective way to strengthen a child's relationship with their parents.

Eat at the same time:



‐ Try to sit and eat together with your children every day in the midst of hundreds of activities. Even if you can't in the morning, at least sit down to eat dinner together. One study found that eating food while the family was sitting together increased the positive attitude, strong mindset, improved behavior, social skills and academic performance among the children.

‐ Almost every child has a little reluctance to eat in childhood. So sit down to eat with everyone in the family. You will see that your child will continue to eat after seeing everyone. Because children are usually imitators. Also, from time to time you can feed your children with your own hands. No matter how big the boys and girls are; They feel very comfortable and love to eat in the hands of their parents. This will make your genuine relationship with the child stronger. Selfless relationships will be stronger.

Discuss daily activities:



‐ Build a relationship with your child so that you can talk and explain things to each other without hesitation. The best opportunity and time is to talk to them at dinner or just before going to bed. Discuss your daily activities with everyone in the family. For example, how many good things have you done today, what was your biggest achievement today, what problems did you face today and how did you solve those problems? Try to ask him in the same way - how many good things he did today, how many bad things he did today, what was his best time today, what problems he faced today, whether he was able to solve them, if not how to solve those problems. Could be done etc.

‐ In short, discuss these everyday details. Which will help to have a positive effect on your child. Every day will learn something new from you little by little. Like you, you will be able to build yourself up in the battle of life as a best soldier and your relationship with them will be firmly bound with respect and love.

Play with them:



‐ Another great way to strengthen a parent's relationship with their child is to spend time with them through entertainment or whatever. Play with them indoors or outdoors as a means of entertainment and let them play with other children. Read books with them, draw pictures. Sit together with them and watch TV. If you have more time, go for a picnic with them or travel to an exciting place.

‐ Give at least one time a week in the midst of busyness. By doing this they will gradually learn to adapt to the external environment and the time spent with them will transmit Maya to you which will play an important role in strengthening your relationship.

Cuddle and pull to the chest:



‐ The safest place for a child in the world is the mother's lap and the most courageous is when the father's hand is on the child's shoulder. So hold your child in your arms with love, fear them in bad times, encourage them to move forward. Relationships with children should be such that they are not afraid to come to you. Build a friendly relationship with them so that there is no lack of affection and love. This will increase their respect for you and the relationship will be stronger.

Be respectful to them:



‐ A child gets his primary education from his parents. Parents are the first teachers of the children. So you have to listen to them and evaluate them. You will see that they will listen to your words and try to evaluate. Think of the child as a human being, not a child. Give them a chance to talk, take each opinion seriously and evaluate their likes and dislikes by understanding their thoughts from their position. By doing this your children will also understand that they are an important member of your family and their opinions are also valuable. Which will help increase your children's sense of responsibility towards the family and respect for others as well.

‐ They are ignorant, it is not uncommon for them to make mistakes in any work. In this case, solve the problem without reprimanding them, without showing fear. Ask and encourage to try again. All of this will help her to develop respect and confidence in the relationship and to maintain a close relationship with her parents.



‐ Let them do the chores and help them with their work:

‐ Children are naturally imitators. They like to do new things with enthusiasm and love to help others. So teach them to work responsibly from an early age. Your own chores


‐ I hope you like my post very much. Thank you very much for watching and reading my post.

Thanks a lot..
@olesia and @soulwind

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