"Horror Steemit" Contest | Topic of the week "Highways" La autopista del Terror "Parte 1"/The Highway of Terror "Part 1"

En una Autopista montañosa, una familia iba de vacaciones, como estaban acostumbrados hacerlo todos los años, se dirigían a su cabaña en las montañas, cuando atropellan a un desconocido, se bajan del auto, y se asombran porque no había nadie, su auto tuvo algunos daños, lo cual era muy extraño, deciden caminar por la autopista, hasta el lugar más cercano que estuviera habitado, pasada unas horas caminando, ven una sombra a lo lejos pensando que era alguien y le piden ayuda, para su sorpresa, era un espíritu maligno que rondaba esas carreteas y el terror comienza para la familia.

Foto de La autopista del Terror "Parte 1"/The Highway of Terror "Part 1"

On a mountainous highway, a family went on vacation, as they were used to doing every year, they went to their cabin in the mountains, when they run over a stranger, they get out of the car, and they are amazed because there was no one, their car had some damage, which was very strange, they decide to walk down the highway, to the closest place that was inhabited, after a few hours walking, they see a shadow in the distance thinking it was someone and they ask for help, to their surprise, it was a evil spirit that haunted those roads and terror begins for the family.

Autor: @jhonny26
Pais: Venezuela.
Fotos: Teléfono Huawei Y9.

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