#club5050. 🎇 COMPETITION "What kind of animal would you like to be in your next life?

In my next life I would like to be a Panda, because as a Panda I would be treated like a king, I wouldn't worry about those extra kilos, because Panda who respects himself is very fat and is that the fatter he is, the cuter, so I would have at my disposal all the food I want like: fish and bamboo, a balanced diet that would help me to be healthy and chubby.



To be lying down without doing anything, sleeping without worrying about working, that yes, as we are in extinction to help my herd, I would be very active with a Pandita and we would have the record in the Guiness book of the Pandas that have made the herd grow more and have had more offspring and the best of all that I would not have to support them or pay the school fees, I would only have to teach them the techniques of how to have a good rest.



I wouldn't worry about being hunted because China has very strict laws against anyone who harms a Panda and as there are very few of us they know where we are and protect us more, if someone kills us, they get 27 years in prison. With these rules, who dares to hunt a Panda?



Pandas living abroad are also protected by Chinese law so zoos must treat their Pandas with respect and pay a good amount of money to China for the loan of the Pandas and the money collected is used for the protection of the bears, a Panda has medical insurance, state protection, rights, pandas are so famous that even strikes and demonstrations are held for their protection.



In short, being a Panda is a great advantage, and if I could choose to be an animal, being a Panda is definitely what suits me best.

I invite you to participate in this contest, @jack0, @madilyn02 and @lachicarebelde.

I leave you the link here


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