Object Of The Week Contest #22 - Umbrella Art

Greetings everyone. This is my first time to post in this contest, the Object Of The Week Contest, hosted by @strecoza. This is Week 22 of this contest and I have missed 21 weeks already. Hopefully, I can share something that you will appreciate with my first post here. The contest rules can be found here if you want to know more about this challenge.

For this week 22 the Object is:


I always have been called the "Umbrella Man" because everywhere I go I carry an umbrella with me. I prefer the traditional long umbrella rather than the folding one because for one, it is bigger and can cover me and whoever I am with. Second, they are sturdier than the folding ones and don't get blown away easily by strong winds. My friends and officemates are so used to seeing me with an umbrella and a backpack which I use to carry all my paperwork and files that I need for the day. That is why, when I saw that the object of the week is umbrella, I did not hesitate to join immediately.

But instead of showing you my usual umbrella, I will share with you something that I made myself out of a special colored paper. This art of folding paper to make objects is called Origami.

Origami is the art of paper folding, which is often associated with Japanese culture. In modern usage, the word "origami" is used as an inclusive term for all folding practices, regardless of their culture of origin. Wikipedia

Here is my object of the week.




I have always wanted to do some complex Origami art and I think the umbrella is one quite difficult to make. There are so many steps and so many folds that I thought I would not make it. I have arthritis in almost all my fingers which made the work even harder but, I finally made it. I started with the red umbrella then did the other two afterwards. Here is the red umbrella after I completed it. Ta-da!!


For those interested to know how this is made I am showing you some process photos on how I did it. Maybe this can help. Here they are.



Just comment below if you need more detailed instructions on how to do the umbrella and I will try to help. Just tell me where in the process you got bogged down and I will go from there.

And that's all for this post. I hope you liked my entry to the contest. I really enjoyed participating here. Good luck to all the other participants. Keep safe and may you have a wonderful day ahead.

(All photos are mine.)

 2 years ago 

Спасибо заучастие!

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