Contest Kids of the world by @olesia and @soulwind | My hardwooking and intelligent junior ones | Week #9

Hello beautiful family of the steem-Bru Community ,I hope you'll are doing great .I pray this content reaches you'll in good health.Before I begin ,I want to first of all give a special thanks to @olesia and @soulwind for bringing up a beautiful Contest like this . I'm so happy to be participating in it for the first time .

my junior ones and i
To begin with ,I want to present to you'll my junior ones Emmanuel,Maxuel and Happiness.they are in class 5 ,4 and 3 respectively . always having this three kid ones around brings me joy as I enjoy everything they do .they always remind me of my child hood life when I was growing up by all what they do .they are always funny as the only time that they rest is only when they are sleeping 😂, when up ,they are always busy playing or doing one thing or the other as if what they are doing is important 😂.
There is a saying that

Charity begins at home.

So what actually I do is that I try my own possible best to teach them Morals and ethics at home so that they should know exactly what is good and bad . because I believe children learn very easily from their Peers . There is also a saying that

train up a child in a way he should grow and when he is old ,he should not depart from it.

So from this ,I always try to set good example for my juniors ones to follow because they are so adaptive when it comes to learning .I thank God they are so intelligent when it comes to learning in school and even at home when doing few hours chores .

they are on their way to school

When ever I'm around them ,I love to be playing with them as I also teaches them so many things that life have to offer them in future so that they could be familiar with when growing up because I believe is at that age anything you tell or teaches a child is exactly what the child will learn .

You see my boy Maxuel assisting me in cleaning irish-potatos and also following me to fetch water and Happiness is as well assisting me in washing my sucks of which they voluntary did this without me asking them to do it ..I believe they did this because of the good home training they are always receiving from us.


They also knows when to study ,when to to play ,when to sleep and when to do everything as we as family are always trying our best to give them the best home treatment.that is Maxuel teaching his younger sister Happiness mathematics as he also assist her in doing her assignment. That is some of the home treatment we have been giving to them ,thank 🙏 God they are so adaptive and learn mostly the right things

You can see the love they have for each other as they eat together and play together with thier Friends..hahaha when I see them walking bare feeted and also kicking balloons in the name of kicking ball, I use to imagine when I was also growing up and doing all that 😂.

I will end here for today by saying that we should teach our children or junior ones what is good for them to learn rather than handle everything to their teachers at school or their Peers because they won't teach perfectly as you the parents or the elder ones

I will love to invite @noelamontana ,@vio000 ,@theobass , @darrellbass and @njiclinton to come and partake in this beautiful Contest


You are welcome mam

You are the winner of this week's Kids of the World competition. Congratulations!

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