Slave To Grief || An Original Anthology

in The Ink Well4 years ago


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Wallowing in self pity
Wistful gibbering
From a soul emptied by sin
Eyeball like protruding belly
Utterly bedridden by circumstances
A reminiscence of tragic memories
Beating drums of defeat
Conjured sounds to mimic
Tears tattooed on the lip
Regret songs emanating
Howbeit! We are slave to grief.



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Pulverized initial feelings
Wishing for spiritual soul-healing
Reasonings provoking sorrow
Once, happy souls but now, the shadow
Desiring the very deadly end
Thoughts of death expressly fueled
Past equivocating future
Against the glow of nature
Hearts deep in sadness
Suicide pitching it's tent
Maybe we all are slaves to grief.



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Mind sought asylum
Shattered pieces of two hearts in love
Of a growing foetus is ruptured trust
Suicidal reunion
Like heartbreak prompts
We are wanderers on shores of remorse
Disaster artist dining with destruction
21st century travellers in the valley of thought
Far from redemption
When we keep tally of our loss.



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Recuperation forbidden
Personality becoming dim
With the loud silent-treatment
Affliction fitting in too intent
Loss constantly knocking
Existence now sucky
Hopes turning death-chapped
Too weak to reject graveyard
Heartbroken, crestfallen
Trudging right to the coffin
Fully embracing grief, my master.


Written and Edited
Aduragbemi & Tracylina
5th May, 2020


As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

I wish you both joy.

That said, there are many fabulous lines in this very bleak piece! I have nothing against bleak, mind you. I like this anthology a lot.

Far from redemption
When we keep tally of our loss.

Suicide pitching it's tent
Maybe we all are slaves to grief.

Trudging right to the coffin
Fully embracing grief, my master.

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