in Whole World's Dairy3 years ago (edited)
Good morning my fellow steemians in this United community whole World's Diary, I hope all of you are doing fine,it is my privilege to participate in this contest. Thanks to the admin and moderators of this community for initiating this interesting contest.

Season is a particular time of a year that is depicted by a particular type of weather. During this time the weather will bring about some changes in atmosphere, temperature and also in a relative humidity of a precise place.

In my country Nigeria, we have normally experience some of the changes in climate which leads to two main different seasons, which are the dry or harmattan season and the rainy or wet season.


The rainy season is my popular and favorite season, in my country Nigeria this period of the year is known by heavy rainfall and it happening every year June to December, this period is differ across the country. For example rain will fall more in southern part of the country than it is in the northern part of the country. This season is last for about six to seven months.
The most rainiest state in the country is Akwaibom and Calabar state because the rain can fall till December and there will be a small break in August that will last for about two weeks and we called it August break. In the center of the country heavy rainfall will occur while there will be limited rainfall in the Northern part for about four months, that is from June to September.


Cool weather

Why I Like Rainy Season?

The best weather in my country is the rainy season because it there will be no dust to disturb me. I am happy and very glad when it is this season because the atmosphere will be very cool and the temperature will be very low to human friendly no more working with air conditioner or using fan while sleeping. I used to take some minutes walk since the weather is friendly.


Me Walking In a Cool Weather

Other Benefits Of a Rainy Season Are

  • it reduces water bills ,since rain water is a natural source of water and water is essential for our basic needs , so during rainy season I spent less money to buy water, because I will used rain water for non- drinking purpose for example i will used it in flushing toilet, washing clothes, washing car, and watering garden.

  • it makes the soil fertile for planting of crops and Vegetables and other agriculture produce will grow and sprout during the rainy season.
    All plants,trees, flowers, grasses will grow and becomes so greenish, attractive and makes the environment more beautiful.


Greenish Plant


Rainy Season is my favorite season because after the hot summer period ,it will rain and cool the temperature of my room then I will not become restless and feel heat at night. Environment will become clear, cool and there will be enough fresh air.

I am inviting my friends @goodybest, @gracyakan, @eliany to join the contest.



 3 years ago 

thank you for taking part in the contest held by our community, and the photos you share are very good, and you have done a good job, keep sharing with us here, and you can add a location in each photo

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