Basil Leaf : The all medicine in one tree

in Whole World's Dairy3 years ago

Hallw all of my steemians. How all are you. I am here to share with you the benifit the casuses to use Basil leaf. @badsha1 I jope you will like it my friend.

Basil leaves


Basically basil leaves are a medicinal plant. Basil trees are quite popular with people. Twenty years ago, every house had a basil leaf tree. If there was excess space in the vicinity of the house, sometimes a basil tree would be planted. Basil leaves are known for their pungent odor of leaves, flowers and fruits.


During the change of seasons, many people get cold-fever, laughter and cough. Natural remedies to increase immunity have been around for a long time.

Basil leaves can prevent many diseases:

  • Blood is purified: If we make a habit of eating 2-3 basil leaves on an empty stomach every morning, then the harmful elements inside our body get out of the body.
  • Beneficial for headaches: Basil leaves are very useful for reducing headaches and body aches. Basil helps prevent muscle spasms.


  • Benefits of stress problems: Basil leaf juice controls blood pressure in the body. Tulsi contains vitamin C which helps to reduce stress.
  • Benefits of respiratory problems: Basil leaves for colds and coughs. And the use of basil leaves is essential for all kinds of throat problems.


  1. Benefits of Tulsi for heart problems: Tulsi leaves help to prevent heart problems. And enhances heart performance and maintains good health.
  1. Benefits of skin problems: Basil leaf juice is very beneficial for the skin, the skin is beautiful and smooth when the basil leaves are pressed and applied all over the face. Basil leaves are also quite beneficial for skin diseases.


Basil is a medicinal plant. Basil leaves help to alleviate all kinds of problems from the respiratory tract, Tulsi leaves are beneficial for stomach problems.

Even if an insect bites any part of the body, applying the juice of basil leaves on the wound gives some relief from pain and burns.

If any part of the body is burnt, applying the juice of basil leaves with coconut oil reduces the burning sensation.

Finally, it can be said that basil leaves are able to increase vision as well as multiplication of vision. Therefore, the use of basil leaves is essential in human life.

Thank you so much for visiting my post. I hope you all are enjoy it.

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