Concurso del sábado:3.39💜poetryN#38💜 mirar hacia atrás / mirar hacia adelante.💜Saturday's contest: looking back / looking forward.

in Whole World's Dairy3 years ago (edited)


Imagen de mi propiedad trabajada en el programa canva.

Image of my property worked in the program canva.
Hola mis seguidores ,nos leemos nuevamente en el
Concurso del sábado: mirar hacia atrás / mirar hacia adelante.💜💜mi entrada 5 y la primera del año respecto a este tema.
Gracias por el cariño y apoyo aquí me encuentro de nuevo, para la comunidad de ccc y el tema de los sábados mirar hacia atrás / mirar hacia adelante. adicción 3.39propuesto por @wakeupkitty cada sábado.

Hello my followers ,we read each other again in the.
Saturday contest: looking back / looking forward.💜💜my 5th entry and the first of the year regarding this topic.
Thanks for the love and support here I am again, for the ccc community and Saturdays theme look back / look forward. addiction 3.39proposed by @wakeupkitty every Saturday.

Mirar hacia atrás: Qué tonto querer ser grande donde los sueños eran mas bonitos ,las risas eran verdaderas y las caminatas mas tranquilas sin preocupación ;Por el simple hecho de no conocer el mundo.

Donde las amistades eran verdaderas de esas que a los cinco minutos volvían a jugar como si nada...
Donde no conocías que era romper corazones y en tu pequeño mundo no habían pétalos marchitar.

Mirar hacia adelante: Con pétalos marchitados ,sonrisas fingidas ,caminar por las calles con temor y no confiar ni de tu sombra .

A veces caminar sin rumbo pero con la mente abierta y ser tu propia estrella para encontrar tu cielo.

Looking back: How silly to want to be great where the dreams were more beautiful, the laughs were real and the walks were calmer without worry, for the simple fact of not knowing the world. Where the friendships were true of those that after five minutes returned to play as if nothing .... Where you did not know what it was to break hearts and in your small world there were no petals to wither.

To look ahead: with withered petals, fake smiles, walking through the streets with fear and not trusting even your spare.

Sometimes walk aimlessly but with an open mind and be your own star to find your heaven.


poetryN#38💜 mirar hacia atrás / mirar hacia adelante.💜look back / look forward.💜

gif ganado en el concurso de @ricardoquintero
gif won in @ricardoquintero's contest.


This is an Invitation to join #ccc. We support members by encouraging and upvoting each other and by hosting contests.See @team-ccc for contests running.

¡ 2021 tiempo de cuarentena.💜

¡Feliz noche Steemianos!😊logos ¡hecho en gimp !

Encuéntrame en:

2021 quarantine time 💜.
Happy evening Steemians!😊logos made in gimp !
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The future is rarely what we except from it. Why? Because we do not recognize it. Once we arrived at the age we look forward to we should stay still and be aware. Aware of the fact we are living in our future. How come we never do?

Being a grown up meant freedom for me. My childhood wasn't great but abusive.

we must learn to live each stage, even if it costs us.
I'm glad you're better, my dear.

Good luck @sarix in this contest
Good post with spanich and english language
Thank you for sharing

happy to read me, since most people do not vote as they used to.

I also wondered about this matter

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