" Season 1 Save Water Save World "

in Steem For Bangladesh6 months ago

"Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem"

Assalamualaikum Everyone. This is @zisha-hafiz.
From #Bangladesh

First of all my sincere warm and boundless love to all. Let's hope everyone is well and healthy in this month of Ramadan by the infinite grace of Allah. Today I am here in our community Steam for Bangladesh a contest organized by our all-respected mentor sir @mostofajaman 📣" Season 1 Save Water Save World " For the purpose of participating in the competition. The topic of today's contest is very important. One of the elements in our atmosphere is “Water”.

Contest 📢   Season 1 Save Water Save World .png

Created by Canva

✅ How important is water to sustain our life?
Water is an undoubtedly essential element in the atmosphere for the sustenance of all our human, animal, and plant life. In our human body, there is about 60% of water. Water helps regulate our body's proper temperature, keep tissues moist, transport oxygen, provide nutrients to various cells, and eliminate our internal waste products through urine. Also, it is involved in our digestion and every biological process. This keeps our body free from dehydration which can sometimes lead to death. Apart from our daily activities to fulfill our biological needs, water is also used for energy production and power generation in agriculture, hospitals, mills, etc. Water is also very important for the survival of plants in our environment which keeps our environment free from pollution and it is the habitat of many animals.
✅ Should we prevent water pollution and why?

Undoubtedly, we should prevent water pollution for environmental, health, economic, and social reasons. We are constantly polluting water directly or indirectly through our various activities such as various industrial chemicals, pesticides, and untreated sewage.

Many underprivileged people build their homes along the river and contaminate the water by discharging their sewage over the water. Many wastes and chemicals from industrial factories are polluting the water day by day. This pollution causes algae, bacteria, and parasites to build up in the water making it unusable. As a result of using this polluted water, we are suffering from waterborne diseases like cholera, typhoid fever dysentery, and long-term health problems. Fish populations, various aquatic plants, and other organisms are also suffering in polluted water bodies, sometimes going extinct. Many low-income people take fishing as their livelihood but day by day water pollution is reducing the supply of fish which disrupts their income and ultimately affects our economic infrastructure. So we all have to keep the ponds, rivers, canals, and all the streams of water near us clean and encourage others.

We need to make the underprivileged people or the industries around us aware of the causes and effects of water pollution and the government should play a strict role towards it.

✅ What will the world look like if the earth runs out of food water?

May God forgive us if the world runs out of food and water, this will herald a terrible and disastrous situation for all of us. As a result, our existence on this earth will disappear completely.

Lack of water will lead to widespread droughts that will dry up agricultural land, produce no crops, and cause soil to die, leading to global food shortages. Famine will spread all over the world. Widespread malnutrition and starvation will result in undernourished populations, poverty, disease, disorder, and overall suffering. People will become less interested in work day by day, the unemployment rate will increase, the disease will be affected, and slowly will lead to death.

The consequences of food and water shortages will extend beyond hunger. This will lead to widespread social unrest and chaos. Each community will try to favor the people of their own group and fight with others for their basic needs. This will lead to discrimination, violence, moral decay, and riots. In addition, the environment will face irreparable damage due to lack of food and water. Drought caused by lack of food and water will cause many animals to face gradual extinction of their food and habitat.

✅ In what ways we can keep water pollution-free and prevent water wastage?

Water is one of the natural elements of our life forms. So we must try our best to keep this remarkable element of nature pollution-free. The preventive measures we can take to keep water pollution-free are discussed below –

1. Proper waste management : All types of waste, whether domestic, commercial, or natural, should be disposed of properly. Waste must be disposed of in the correct manner and at the correct location. Care must also be taken so that it does not re-enter the reservoir.

2. Reduction of chemical use : In order to produce more in a short period of time in agriculture, many chemical fertilizers are used on the land, which pollutes the water by flowing into the water. Therefore, the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides on the land should be reduced.

3. Control of Toxic Water Discharge in Industries and Mills : Industries and mills discharge various types of dissolved and undissolved chemicals and wastes into lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water which pollute the water to the maximum extent. Necessary measures should be taken to ban all these extraction methods completely.

4. Education and awareness raising among all : The public should be educated about the importance of water conservation and pollution prevention. Awareness should be raised through various seminars and courses in schools about the effects of water pollution. The government should honor and reward those who are working to prevent water pollution at different district and upazila levels and make others interested and encouraged.

We can adopt various methods of water conservation in our daily life to prevent waste of water. Some of these methods are being mentioned in below -

1. Rainwater harvesting : We can collect rainwater during rainy days. We can use this water to water the plants in the garden, wash the car, clean the yard, etc. to prevent water wastage.

2. Use water judiciously : We often waste time unknowingly by turning off the tap while washing our face, washing clothes, or cooking. Also, we don't care if the water tap leaks or there is little water. If we are a little aware we can prevent all these unnecessary water wastages.

3. Water recycling : We can save water from washing rice, fruits, and vegetables and use it on plants. Which infuses new life into our plants as well as prevents water wastage.

4. Creating self-awareness : Every person in our family should take this education from home. For example – leaving the faucet on unnecessarily, using too much water, recycling water, and not using the bathroom for long periods, etc.


In conclusion, we can say that the imperative of "Save Water, Save the World" is not just a slogan but a call to deeply motivate to all of us for preserving and protecting our natural resources.

We all should be aware of water usage, prevent its pollution and waste, and use it appropriately.


I would like to invite two of my ladies Steemian friends to participate in this contest- @rajusam, @arfaakter and @satrima01.

🍁 Thank you for reading my article so patiently 🍁

 6 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 6 months ago 

আপনাকে অনেক ধন্যবাদ এই কন্টেস্ট অংশগ্রহণ করার জন্য । আপনি খুব সুন্দর ভাবে সবকিছু ফুটিয়ে তুলেছেন। পানি আমাদের জন্য একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ উপাদান। এই পানি ছাড়া কোন প্রাণী বাচতে পারে না। সেই জন্য বলা হয় যে পানির অপর নাম জীবন। আর আমরা মানবজাতি পানিকে নানাভাবে দুষিত করছি।আমরা এভাবেই নিজের বিপদ নিজেই সৃষ্টি করতেছি। আমাদের সবাইকে এগিয়ে আসতে হবে পানি দূষণ রোধ করতে হবে।এভাবেই পানি দূষণ রোধ করে জীবনকে রক্ষা করতে হবে।


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 6 months ago 

Thank you so much for upvoting my post. I have subscribed the community & will participate in ongoing contests.


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