Drawing of a girl with an umbrella

in Steem For Bangladesh3 months ago

"Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem"

Assalamualaikum Everyone.
This is @zisha-hafiz, from #Bangladesh.

In our motherland, the “Basanta” season has come. All the leaves are falling from trees new flowers are blooming. This scenario is really mesmerizing. Based on this today I am going to share one of my art. Hope everyone will love this.

Drawing of a girl with an umbrella.png

Created by Canva

Materials I used for my art

White Paper
A4 Size 1 Pcs
1 Pcs
Colour Pencils
1 Box
Coloured Pen
1 Pcs
Here I am going to present my drawing.
👩 Step 1 ☂️


First I drew the end tip and the outer side of an umbrella. Then I draw the hair shape of a girl and her right hand that holding the umbrella. After that drew the bottom part of her body and the waist of her dress making some designs on it. Also drew the handle of the umbrella.

👩 Step 2 ☂️


In the second step, I drew a bag on her right side. On the top of the bag make some flower designs on it. Then drew the dress that floated in the air. After that drew some leaves which were floating in the air. On the head of the girl drew a braid and made some flower designs on it.

👩 Step 3 ☂️


In the third step, I started sketching my art first I started from the girl’s hair. Then sketched her hand, bag, and also her dress. Here I started coloruing my art. I colored the leaves with green color that are floating in the air.

👩 Step 4 ☂️


In this step, I colored the umbrella with yellow and orange colors. Then I colored the handle of the umbrella, her bag and ended my art.

👩 Step 5 ☂️


In the finishing part I wrote our community name on the left side of my art.


I also take a selfie with my drawing. I hope you all will love this. I hope this Ramadan will enlighten our souls and mercy all of us.


Photography Details

Device Name 📱
iphone 6 S plus
Location 📍
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Captured by 📸
🍁 Thank you for reading my article so patiently 🍁

 3 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 3 months ago 

You have shared a wonderful drawing with us.It looks so beautiful. You draw it step by step. I can not but praise your drawing. All the best..

 3 months ago 

Thank you so much bhaia for your prasing words. Keep me in your prayers.

 3 months ago 

Hi, Greetings, Good to see you Here:)

Thank you very much for sharing a beautiful article with us. Hope you stay active and keep engaging with everyone. If you have any questions you'd like to know or are experiencing any problems, join our Discord servers for help. We are always active here to serve the users. And you are invited to participate in our weekly online hangout. Click the link below to join our discord server. https://discord.gg/6by5BAtAAC

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 3 months ago 

Thank you mam for reviewing my post.