SEC-S15W4: My Dream Place

in Steem For Bangladesh5 months ago

Hey Steemian friends!

Now, I might be sitting in the paradise in Asia, but my dreams sure do take me on a magical journey to the land of breathtaking sceneries with a lot of chill climate than here! And it is none other than Switzerland my friends, and let me tell you why.

👉 Which is your dream place and why is this place your dream place?

I've got a wishlist of dream destinations with countries like Italy, New Zealand & Japan but Switzerland is always the numero uno. This choice has a lot to do with my love affair with nature and that climate!. Don’t you think that this country is a masterpiece painted by the gods themselves? I mean the natural beauty they have is just breathtaking. The lush greenery, the crystal clear lakes, and those majestic mountains! absolute bliss!

My favourite vlogers from Switzerland : WanderlustVanlifers

Whenever I've got a bit of free time, one of my favourite things to do is to watch travel vlogs in Switzerland and daydreaming about walking through those mountains. One thing I always wonder while watching these vlogs that the fact that they do not have fences or walls between houses! I mean how could they protect their lands and houses? I guess they don’t have to fear about invaders since the low in the country is very secure and also the fact that they respect each others.

I also love the exceptional standard of living of Switzerland people and the high quality education system they have. These things feel like a distant dream for someone like me in Sri Lanka, where corruption often takes center stage.

👉 Show us a feature of your dream place

Have you ever eaten this famous chocolate Toblerone. Then you might have noticed the mountain on the packs. Yup, that's the mount Matterhorn, and it's high on my must visit list. Can you imagine standing there, soaking in the majesty of that peak and eating a Toblerone! Now that's a tasteful dream!

Who noticed this on Toblerone! 😀 | source

👉 What are the special dishes of your dream place and what special dishes do you want to enjoy there? And if you have been, what food did you enjoy?

Now, let's talk about the culinary delights of Switzerland. Well, I’m a Cheese lover and Fondue and raclette are my Swiss food crushes. I've seen videos of people dipping chunks of bread into a pot of melted cheese, and let me tell you, I would die to get that into my taste buds.

Fusion of cheeses 😍| source

Then there's the chocolate, oh, the divine Swiss chocolate! so creamy and rich in taste! I can almost taste it just thinking about it.

And yes, I have been fortunate enough to savor a bit of Swiss chocolate and wines because one my friend’s sister lives there. So whenever she swings by Sri Lanka for holidays we would have this treat. Other than that, well, that's still a dream waiting to happen.

👉 Who do you want to go with or have you gone to your dream place?

Dream destinations are best explored with someone special, right? For me, that someone is my wife. I can already imagine us holding hand in hand by the bridges of Reuss River, sharing a pot of classic Swiss Cheese Fondue, and simply enjoying the beauty around us. There's something about sharing such experiences with a loved one that makes it all the more magical. Let’s hope one day I can wake up to this dream.

Oh, this would be really romantic!

Thank you for this interesting contest @steem4bangladesh. Looking forward to taking on the next week’s challenge. I would like to invite @tenguhatanga, @crisvera & @morgan76 to participate in this contest.

Thank you.

Peace to all 🙏

Proper sourcing has been ensured for any other pictures used in the content. All the images are taken under Creative Commons licenses.

 5 months ago 


You have really beautiful place in dream that is Switzerland a place of beauty of nature and yeah it serms master piece and you shared few pictures in which mibd blowing beauty is visble.

Waoo swiss chocolate is looking so creamy and mouth watering too, well every place has its own specialty and we just loved it and wanted to see these marvelous places in life.

I wish you can visit this amazing place with your beloved wife soon.

Good luck


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Thanks for your lovely comment @drhira. Yes Switzerland is renowned for their chocolate and also watches.


Halo teman senang bisa membaca artikel anda.

di sini Anda mengatakan bahwa beberapa negara seperti Itali ,Swiss,Jepang, itu tempat impian anda, sepertinya Anda sangat cinta dengan alam,dikarenakan beberapa negara tersebut memiliki tempat yang indah dan memiliki pemandangan-pemandangan yang sangat bagus, di sini anda juga mau menampilkan makanan yang ingin anda cicipi itu terlihat sangat lezat.

semoga suatu saat anda mengunjungi tempat ini bersama orang terkasih, tahu bersama keluarga anda.

Terima kasih telah berbagi tempat impian Anda dengan dengan kami di sini semoga sukses di kontes minggu ini.

Exactly, the choice of those countries is largely because of my love for nature. Appreciate the wishes, and I too hope to visit these places with my family someday.

Hola amigo @viajherath

Estoy completamente de acuerdo contigo con que Suiza es un lugar espectacular para viajar,está rodeado de mucho ambiente natural, nieve.
Sus paisajes son espectaculares y no sabía que el toblerone era de origen suizo,ahora no lo he visto en mi país, pero en un tiempo se encontraba y era costoso.

Se seguro tu esposa quedará maravillada en este viaje por qué se presta como un lugar muy romántico.

Éxitos 🤗

Toblerone was originally made in Switzerland. However, now they have this confusion whether it is really a Switzerland chocolate. No matter where it is I still love the taste of it. It is quite expensive in Sri Lanka too.

 5 months ago 

It appears that you have done a thorough study of Switzerland. I hope to fulfill your dream soon. Good luck in the contest.

I do thorough studies about my dreams 😀 just to make sure I can wake up someday in that dream.

 5 months ago 

Yes, keep working on your dream until it becomes a reality.

 5 months ago 

Greetings dear friend,

Thank you very much for presenting us with a beautiful post.

Nice to know about your favorite place and dream to go there, nice to know that Switzerland is your favorite place, and even though you have list of many places you chose Switzerland, surprisingly you are different from Switzerland. Watch the video blogger, in fact, if you have love for it, it definitely becomes interesting, hope you visit there soon, stay well, wish you well.

Yes, Vlogs are very interesting way to learn about countries because they can give us the real experience. Thanks for your comment.

 5 months ago 

Switzerland is like a masterpiece crafted by the gods themselves. The natural beauty there is absolutely breathtaking, from the lush greenery to the crystal clear lakes and majestic mountains. It's no wonder it's your numero uno dream destination.

I can imagine how amazing it must be to watch travel vlogs and daydream about walking through those mountains. And you're right, it's interesting how they don't have fences or walls between houses. I guess they have a strong sense of security and respect for each other's property.

The exceptional standard of living and high-quality education system in Switzerland are definitely something to admire. I can understand how it might feel like a distant dream, especially when corruption takes center stage in some places.

That mountain on the pack is the iconic Matterhorn, which is also high on your must-visit list. Just imagine standing there, taking in the majestic view while enjoying a delicious Toblerone. It sounds like an incredible experience.

Appreciate your comment, friend. Your summary beautifully captures all of it.

 5 months ago 

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 5 months ago 

অসাধারণ স্বপ্ন আপনার।


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