"Profession I would be in now if my childhood dream came true -A Doctor"

in Steem For Bangladeshlast year

Hello Everyone
I am @taskinnahar12
From #Bangladesh

Green & White Modern Online Doctor Consultant Instagram Post.png
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Contest 📢📢 - What profession would you be in now if your childhood dreams came true?

First of all I want to thank @msharif bhai for organizing such a nice contest. When we are born then when we grow up we see different professions around us. Maybe some people in the family have different professions. Again relatives. Neighbors are involved in many kinds of professions. Similarly, our desire to get involved in some profession or the other arises naturally. Some can fulfill that desire of their childhood and some cannot. Many try but cannot succeed. This is the reality. So I will tell you about one of my childhood wishes. Hope you all like it.

mine.PNG What profession did you dream of joining as a child and why? mine.PNG

My childhood dream was to become a successful doctor. Since my childhood, I had a great desire and desire to become a doctor. I still remember when I went to see someone in the hospital with my mother, I saw many people walking around wearing white clothes. I used to say to my mother who are they? My mother tells me that they are doctors. Those who give us all help and support to keep our body in good condition. They treated us. Since then, the desire to become a doctor grew in my mind and later when I was a little older, when I came to our district town, I saw that Dinajpur Medical College had many students studying there. I will also study in medical college one day and will be engaged in the service of people as a successful doctor. Basically my family helped me a lot to become a doctor but I could not become one. The desire to do medicine was ingrained in my mind from that childhood and it remains till today.



mine.PNG What are the reasons behind that dream not being fulfilled? And if the dream has been fulfilled, are you now involved in your dream profession? mine.PNG

It was mainly because of that strong desire that I passed Intermediate to become a doctor. After that I was interested in studying in medical college and took the exam there. But unfortunately I failed to study ie I could not pass the medical college. As a result of which my dream was broken there. Basically at the time of admission I was very sick with high fever. Due to which I could not study well during that admission. On top of that, the financial condition of the family was very bad. My family is a lower middle class family. In that family there is no way for my parents to study in a good medical college i.e. we don't have money. Because of that I could not study in medical school anymore. Now I am studying in another college with honors.

However, currently I am working as a doctor's assistant, although I could not fulfill my dreams of becoming a doctor, I have learned a lot of doctor's work from the doctor. Currently, I am working in a private diagnostic center in the department of orthopedics. Various types of patients come here, mainly patients with broken and bruised hands. Most of all came here with my sir. I have become like an orthopedic doctor. I can do a lot of things now but I can't do anything because I don't have a medical license anymore. However, I am very happy in this profession now. I pray to God that Keep me happy all my life.



mine.PNG Highlight the differences between your current profession and your childhood dream profession Briefly discuss which one feels best to you. mine.PNG

My current profession is that I work as a doctor's assistant. Although I am with a doctor, there is not much difference between my work and that of a doctor. Because my doctor sir taught me everything. But the quality of being a doctor is different because being a doctor means to be engaged in the service of people and to achieve much better financially. He studied a lot and got a degree but I don't have that education or degree in me so I am much lower in terms of rank. In my profession I work only in one place and cannot serve people.

I have been working in my profession for almost three years although I don't have a degree but I have learned almost as much as a doctor of orthopedics can also give good treatment to patients.When I am not sir sometimes I do a lot of work for people so I am different. I can't find between my work and the work of a doctor, there are many other positions in the medical profession, but I don't have much idea about all those paths. If you think about it, there are many differences between a doctor and me.




**I would like to invite my friends @simonnwigwe, @soythai, @waterjoe & @paholagsto participate in this contest.

Click here to go to the contest link-

Thank you very much everyone for reading my post.

Best Regards




 last year 

আপনার শৈশবের স্বপ্নটি দারুন, আসলে সবার স্বপ্ন পুরন হয় না। কিছু কিছু সেই স্বপ্নের কাছাকাছি পর্যন্ত পৌছায়। তবে আপনি যেহেতু ডাক্তারের সহকারী হিসেবে আছেন, এতেই আলহামদুলিল্লাহ শুকরিয়া আদায়।

এদেশে মহিলা ডাক্তার দরকার প্রচুর। আমাদের পর্দানশীন মা বোন ও স্ত্রীদেরকে অনেক সময় পর্দার সহিত বা মহিলা ডাক্তার না থাকার কারনে চিকিৎসা নিতে হিমশিম খেতে হয়। তাই মহিলা ডাক্তারের প্রয়োজন অতুলনীয়। ভালো থাকবেন। শুভকামনা রইলো।

 last year 

জ্বী ভাইয়া এতে আমি আল্লাহর কাছে শুকরিয়া করি আমি অনেক ভালো অবস্থানে আছি বর্তমানে। ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে সুন্দর একটি মন্তব্য করার জন্য।

 last year 

Many of our childhood dreams do not come true. Yet you are still a little closer to your dream. Many cannot do that. All the best.


 last year 

Thank you sister for this valuable comment.

 last year 
Thank you very much for sharing a beautiful post, definitely stay active and comment, all the best for your post.
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 last year 

Thak you for this review.

Hola, aunque tu sueño de infancia se vio truncado por diversas razones, aun tienes la bendición de ser ayudante de médico.

Las esperanzas nunca se pierden, y estas en el camino, aprendiendo muchísimo como asistente del médico.

Gracias por la invitación.

Te deseo salud, éxitos, prosperidad y que tus sueños se hagan realidad.

 last year 

Thank you.

 last year 

Hola, tengo una nieta que sueña con ser doctora, dios permita que logré sus sueños de niña, éxitos y bendiciones para ti

 last year 

Thank you.

 last year 

At least you were able to achieve a little of your childhood dream even if you didn't meet up being a professional doctor, I also dream of becoming a medical doctor but I letter find out that I'm not good in that which I change my mind to fashion designer and right now I'm not regretting it.
My regards

 last year 

Thank you brother.

 last year 

You're welcome.

 last year 

আপনি ছোটবেলার ডাক্তার হতে চেয়েছিলেন কিন্তু হতে পারেননি এটা আসলেই দুঃখজনক কিন্তু আপনি এখন ডাক্তারের সাথে কাজ করছেন একজন অ্যাসিস্ট্যান্ট হিসেবে এটা শুনে অনেক ভালো লাগছে আমার কাছে। আপনি যে আপনার ইচ্ছাটাকে কতটা গুরুত্ব দিয়েছেন সেটা আপনার এই কাজের মাধ্যমে বোঝা যাচ্ছে। আপনার জন্য শুভকামনা রইল।

 last year 

ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে ভাইয়া।

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