The Diary Game (21st June 2024) My cousin sister's wedding ceremony.

in Steem For Bangladesh5 days ago

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The day was my cousin sister's wedding day. I spent a lot of spontaneous time with everyone at the wedding. It was a very happy moment for me. I enjoyed it.Anyway me and my cousin brothers enjoyed this wedding ceremony with great joy. I along with my cousin brothers welcomed this wedding bridegroom.

The bridegroom said he would come to our house after noon. But the bridegroom was almost two hours late. So we invited everyone in the house for food without delay. Everyone in the house had lunch on the occasion of the wedding. I captured a selfie with Yusuf with the groom's garland.


We were waiting to greet the bridegroom. He was late in coming so we had some fun beforehand. Finally the bridegroom appeared among us. We greeted the bridegroom after his appearance. Many existed with them. We had about forty bridegrooms present here. We organized something welcoming for everyone.

It didn't take us long to pass the gate at the beginning. They gave us some money here at the gate. Anyway, from among the bridegrooms, we welcomed the groom with garlands of flowers. My cousin brother Shahadat Hossain gave a flower garland around the groom's neck. Anyway after garlanding the groom we gave them some sweets.



I took several photographs while greeting the groom. I have mentioned two photographs out of many. Anyway our reception was done. Then we organized a royal meal for the groom. A large platter was decorated with delicious food. A large plate consisted of about six to seven items of food. Here it was not possible to see the plate during the meal.

Many of our organized meals were served here simultaneously. If you notice, you will enjoy my photo. There was a whole chicken and a big fish. Also there were chicken roasts, eggs, meat etc. There was no shortage of cucumber, lemon or onion and pepper on the plate. I took a photograph after the plate environment. I have mentioned the picture below for your enjoyment.



Then the served plate was presented in front of the groom. It is by no means a possible to eat alone.But it is customary to serve food on such a large plate in front of the groom. Although it has the potential to be wasteful, which I didn't like. But it is happy that everyone ate the food together. I was quite happy with it. Thus it was evening before the meal was finished. Then the marriage ceremony was completed.

After the wedding ceremony was over I enjoyed some time in the shimmering light. On the occasion of the wedding, a huge road was illuminated by twinkling lights. These lights looked great to me for illumination. I have tried to capture them through image capture. They looked like scattered stars. I have mentioned a picture below.


Thus I stayed outside for a while and went home. After going home, I had dinner and concluded the marriage proceedings for the day. That's how I spent a wonderful enjoyable day. Thank you very much for reading my post. May God bless you all and stay healthy always. Ending here wishing everyone long life.

 5 days ago 

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