SEC-S10W1: "What one thing would you want to delete from the Earth?".
Hello everyone, welcome to my post. I’m this post, I will participating in the engagement challenge titled "What one thing would you want to delete from the Earth?" hosted by this beautiful community.
If you had the power to permanently delete one thing from the Earth, what would it be and why
One thing I would permanently delete from Earth if I had the power to, is to eliminate poverty. Poverty has caused a lot of problems in our world today especially in my country Nigeria where leaders will be selected by the masses for them to rule the country well and make for an even circulation of wealth and natural resources only for them to come into power and work on enriching themselves and their families. So far politics is now seen as a business for anyone that it is being handed over too which has crushed the hopes of Nigerians every single time and this issue has eaten up the system and also affected so many other sectors in the world. Right now everyone is just looking for a means to help their families to at least put food on their tables and also get decent clothes to cover their nakedness and take care of some needs. These struggles has made a lot of people in our world today to go into a lot of evil things and even when they get the money they are looking for, the end up being swallowed up by their greed and chasing after more. This issue of poverty has lead to corruption, war, chaos, tyranny and so many other negative vices in our world today so I feel when it get permanently deleted, our world will be a better place to dwell in at least to an extent.
How will it’s absence have a positive impact on society, nature and mankind? Explain
It’s absence will help to reduce brain drain in our society and reduce the way youths leave the country just to find opportunities to make life better for their families. These youths can be people who are intellectually buoyant and are actually supposed to stay in their country and help to develop their country rather they are leaving because of the issue of poverty and them being underemployed. I believe deleting poverty from Earth will help people to make their country better and it will also make youths comfortable enough financially to even think of indulging in any negative vices like theft ,kidnapping, robbery and so on just to make ends meet.
What can we substitute for it that has the power to resist all subsequent devastation?
We can substitute creating an even circulation of wealth across the populace because it will help to reduce the tax burden on those with lower incomes and allows individuals to have more disposable income. This helps even an average income person to have access to money thereby improving the standard of living for both the individual and their society at large. So I feel this too will help to make the Earth a better place when it is being deleted.
I will like to invite @patjawell, @inspiracion and @steemdoctor1 to participate in the contest.
Thanks for reading
Kind regards
La pobreza es una de las condiciones que más puede desesperar a los seres humanos, y si se hace perdurable, es capaz de quitarles la voluntad, su capacidad de reacción, ya que la debilidad no los deja sobreponerse. Son muchas las causas que producen la pobreza, pero una de las más importantes es esa que usted señala, la corrupción.
Cuando la política solo se toma como un medio para hacerse de las riquezas que son del estado, que les pertenecen a todos, suelen ocurrir estos desajustes sociales que no dejan que los pueblos evolucionen... Éxitos en el concurso.
Thanks for your valuable comment, I appreciate the fact you took your time to go through my post post.
হ্যালো আমার প্রিয় @sir-charles-jude ভাই।
আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ সুন্দর একটি পোস্ট আমাদের সাথে ভাগ করে নেওয়ার জন্য। আপনার পোস্টের লিখনীকে আমি প্রশংসা করি।
পৃথিবীতে এমন অনেক দরিদ্র মিসকিন রয়েছে, যাদের কষ্ট ও অনাহারে জীবন কাটানো প্রায়শই মানুষ জ্ঞাত, যাদের দৈনিন্দন খাবার রাস্তাঘাটে পঁচে পরে থাকা কুড়িয়ে খাওয়া ছারা কোন উপায় থাকে না, বিত্তবান বিত্তশালী লোকেদের নামি-দামি জামাকাপড়ও তারা রাস্তার ধারে ফেলে দিয়ে দেয়, সেটাকে দরিদ্র মিসকিনরা নিজের জন্য আবৃত করে নেয় অনায়াসেই।
আমিও আপনার মতোই এটাই চাই যেন দুনিয়া থেকে এমন দরিদ্রদের উঠিয়ে নিয়ে তাদের অভাব দুর করে দিতে, দেশে যেন কোন অভাব অনটন না থাকে, সকলেই যেন একাধারে একই সিস্টেমে জীবন যাপন করতে পারে, আমি তাদের কষ্ট ক্লেশ দেখতে পারিনি, আমি অশ্রুসিক্ত হই, আমি নিজেকে মানিয়ে নিতে পারিনা।
যাইহোক লেখাটি আমার ভালো লেগেছে, আশা করছি আপনিও লেখাটি লিখে নিজেকে অনুপ্রাণিত করছেন। ভালো থাকবেন সুস্থ থাকবেন, আপনার জন্য শুভকামনা রইলো।
ভালোবাসা নিবেন আমার পক্ষ থেকে❤️
We see lots of people arrou us they don't have houses ,no food no basic things and may be they also don't have hope because no one doing nothing for them it's very sad to see them like that you described very well best of luck 🙂
Yeah, there are people like that in our society who really need help, it’s good to look for a way to help them no matter how small.