My Happiness!!!

in Steem For Bangladesh5 months ago

Hello Everyone

Greetings from @shuly to all of you. I hope you're all doing well and having a great time.

Thanks to @shiftitamanna for organizing such an awesome and creative contest. Thank you so much for coming up with such a great topic; I'm thrilled to be a part of it!

The Shade of Happiness: A Piece by Piece Description From pleasure to satisfaction to perspective, this is a journey through them.
Pleasure, joy, and viewpoint are all parts of the idea of happiness. Happy people look for fun, pleasure, and satisfaction in all the different parts of life from the moment they are born. Although everyone wants to be happy, it's still a private and elusive miracle that depends on each person's understanding, actions, and settings. We'll be digging deep into the complicated layers of happiness in this dissertation, looking at its causes, factors, and artistic variations in the hopes of finally figuring it out.


Are you a happier person?

It's common for the search for happiness to make us think about our own happiness. Basically, happiness is a state of being marked by general well-being and joy. Looking at your own thoughts, life satisfaction, and fulfillment can help you figure out how happy you are. Understanding a person's happiness level can gained by thinking about certain stages and steps in their life.
I am grateful for my good health, which is a true blessing from God. Health is indeed wealth and I am happy and fortunate to have it.

What generally makes you happy or sad?

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Between happy and sad, the range of human emotions is huge. Finding connections between the things that make people happy or sad is key to understanding their well-being. Happy moments for some people can come from important relationships, important tasks completed, or peaceful times in nature.

In my case, I love to help people who are in need, it gives me a lot of joy and I try my best to help them as much as I can.

The picture is taken Samsung Galaxy A12

It pains me to see the condition of innocent animals lying on the streets, they desperately search for food from door to door but some people beat them and chase them away. It is really very sad.

What makes you smile?

A smile, which is often thought of as the common language of happiness, shows happiness, fun, and friendship. As unique as each person is, the things that make them smile are also very different, going beyond the limits of language and art.
When I spend time with my children at the end of the day, we discuss our day and share stories. It always brings a smile to my face.

Does the weather ever affect how you feel?

Throughout history, humans have been consistently amazed by the incredible influence that rain and mood have on each other. While a warm, sunny day may bring comfort to some, a light rain shower can bring quiet to others. while sunny days have an uplifting effect and inspire me to exercise outdoors.

Do you think people in your country are generally happy people?

Happyness socio-cultural energy, profitable content, and quality of life pointers show how happy its people are as a whole. Trying to figure out how who happy is requires looking at a lot of different factors, similar as their private health, their capability to get to introductory services, and their capability to get along with others. One country may emphasize making plutocrat and getting further stuff, while another may put an emphasis on helping people, taking care of the earth, and chancing a good work- life balance. A country's general happiness is greatly affected by its cultural ideals, social morals, and government structures.

The End

Being happy is a complicated thing that's made up of different tones, similar as pleasure, happiness, and perspective. Indeed though everyone wants to be happy, different people and groups have veritably different ideas about how to achieve it. tone- reflection, kindness, and a respect for life's different stages are demanded to understand the complications of happiness. Let us find times of joy, make connections with others, and enjoy the beauty of our participated humanity as we make our way through the maze of reality. Happy is not just a place you get to; it's a trip that is colored by all the different passions people have.

Whom I Have Invited.

Thank You For Reading


 5 months ago 

Thank you for sharing such a beautiful post with us. Thank you for attending this contest. I have read your post. You have written so much that it took me a lot of time to read it. You have written and shared a lot of happiness, sadness, laughter, and tears here.

It was nice to read your post. Be well, and may God bless you.

 5 months ago 

Thank you for your kind words and for taking the time to read my post. I appreciate your support and am glad to hear that my writing was able to evoke a range of emotions in you. Your feedback means a lot to me.

 5 months ago 

Hi, Greetings, Good to see you Here:)

Thank you very much for sharing a nice article with us. Hope you stay active and keep engaging with everyone. If need any help then join our discord

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 5 months ago 

You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed the article. I'll stay active and keep engaging with everyone. Thank you for your kind words!

 5 months ago 

Thank you so much for sharing your thought about happiness. I think it is an important tropic for us.Best of luck.

 5 months ago 

@shahajahanali ,
You're welcome! I'm glad you found the discussion on happiness important. Best of luck to you too!

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