"Season 1 Save Water Save World "

in Steem For Bangladesh4 months ago
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Season 1 Save Water Save World

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My sincere gratitude and greetings to all who are reading my content from anywhere in the world (Peace be upon you) Today I am going to participate in this contest organized by honorable Moderator @mostofajaman . I would like to thank him for organizing this beautiful competition. Water pollution is a universal problem nowadays. I think we all will be aware through this competition. And take a small step to keep the water clean.


How important is water to sustain our life?


Water is essential to all life, including people. It is frequently underestimated, particularly by the individuals who have simple and reasonable admittance to a protected and bountiful water supply. Nonetheless, perceiving the value of water is significant. We should investigate why water is so fundamental:

Organic Jobs of Water:

All inclusive Solvent: Water is a polar particle that interfaces well with other polar particles. It breaks up and transports fundamental supplements, minerals, and side-effects inside our bodies.

Cell Construction Support: Water assumes an underlying part in science, keeping up with the shape and capability of cells and tissues

Substance Reactions: Water partakes in different synthetic responses, incorporating those engaged with digestion and energy creation.

Financial Importance:

Wellbeing and Welfare: Admittance to clean water is imperative for lessening illness trouble and working on generally speaking wellbeing and efficiency of populaces.

Financial Activities: Water is fundamental for agribusiness, industry, and energy creation. It upholds food security, financial development, and jobs.

Natural Balance: Sound biological systems depend on water. It supports biodiversity, manages environment, and keeps up with natural balance.

Esteeming Water:

Cost versus Value: While the cost and cost of water can be measured monetarily, its actual worth stretches out past money related terms. Water gives elusive advantages like social, profound, and sporting properties.

Decision-Making: Integrating water's worth into navigation is fundamental for reasonable water the executives and accomplishing the Assembled Countries' Practical Advancement Objectives (SDGs).


In outline, water isn't simply an essential need; it is the soul of our reality, supporting wellbeing, environments, and financial turn of events.


Should we prevent water pollution and why?


Indeed, we ought to totally forestall water pollution. Here's the reason:

Human Health: Dirtied water can contain hurtful substances like weighty metals, pesticides, and microbes. Polishing off or coming into contact with polluted water can prompt serious medical problems, including gastrointestinal infections, skin issues, and, surprisingly, long haul ailments.

Ecosystems: Water contamination adversely influences sea-going biological systems. Poisonous synthetics hurt fish, plants, and different living beings. It upsets the fragile equilibrium of amphibian life, prompting diminished biodiversity and environment debasement.

Drinking Water: Clean water is fundamental for drinking, cooking, and sterilization. Contamination of water sources imperils our admittance to safe drinking water. It is costly and not generally viable to Treat dirtied water.

Agriculture: Water contamination influences agribusiness. Sullied water utilized for water system can hurt crops and decrease yields. It additionally influences animals wellbeing.

Monetary Impact: Ventures depend on water for creation processes. Contamination can prompt inflated costs for water treatment, lawful punishments, and harm to notoriety.

Entertainment and Tourism: Contaminated water bodies are ugly for sporting exercises and the travel industry. Clean water improves the personal satisfaction and supports neighborhood economies.

Accha Worldwide Responsibility: Water contamination rises above borders. Safeguarding water assets is a worldwide obligation to guarantee an economical future.


In synopsis, forestalling water contamination is urgent for human wellbeing, environments, economies, and the prosperity of our planet. How about we make an aggregate move to shield our water sources!


What will the world look like if the earth runs out of food water?


Assuming the Earth were to run out of food and water, the results would be critical and sweeping. We should investigate what such a situation could involve:

Water Crisis:

Scarcity: With the worldwide populace expanding, requests on water rise. Water shortage would turn out to be much more intense, influencing both created and agricultural countries.

Wellbeing Impact: Absence of clean water would prompt waterborne infections like the runs, cholera, and polio.

Displacement: Networks may be compelled to move because of water deficiencies, prompting human relocation and destitution.

Food Crisis:

Famine: The deficiency of food would cause far reaching starvation. Individuals would experience the ill effects of ailing health and starvation.

Struggle and War: As food turns out to be scant, clashes over admittance to assets would raise. Mass movement and viciousness could result.

Financial Collapse: Horticulture, a principal financial action, would implode without water. Food creation, dispersion, and exchange would be seriously disturbed.

Biological Impact:

Loss of Biodiversity: Biological systems would experience because of absence of water. Oceanic life would decline, influencing the pecking order.

Desertification: Arable land would transform into deserts, delivering it unsatisfactory for horticulture.

Breakdown of Environment Services: Fertilization, soil richness, and normal irritation control would be compromised.

Social Chaos:

Common Unrest: Franticness would prompt common agitation, mobs, and social unsteadiness.

Asset Wars: Countries could battle about leftover food and water assets, worsening international strains.


In synopsis, a world without food and water would be prophetically catastrophic. It's urgent to focus on reasonable practices, monitor assets, and address worldwide difficulties to forestall such a horrendous future.


In what ways we can keep water pollution-free and prevent water wastage?


Keep in mind, each little activity counts! By altogether embracing these practices, we can defend our valuable water assets and safeguard our planet.

Here are several successful ways to diminish water contamination and forestall water wastage:

  1. Get litter and discard it properly:

  2. Discard synthetic compounds and fuel properly

  3. Mulch or fertilizer grass or yard waste

  4. Try not to pour fat and oil down the drain

  5. Limit your utilization of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers

  6. Utilize the base measure of clothing detergent

  7. Discard clinical waste properly

  8. Try not to utilize a trash disposal

  9. Check your sump siphon or basement drain

  10. Eat more natural food:

  11. Attempt to try not to purchase plastic items

  12. Plant some trees

  13. Keep your vehicles from leaking

  14. Shop with water contamination in mind

  15. Support ecological charities

  16. Eliminate meat consumption



Hope you like my content. Hope you have gained detailed knowledge AI through my content. Ending the content here wishing everyone good health.

Inviting some of my well wishers to participate in this contest. @jimiaera02, @sapla, @medul The contest link is at the very top of the post.

@disconnect Thank you for finding and saving these beautiful contests for us. Which helps us find this competition.

And I invite you to support @pennsif.witness for growth across the whole platform through robust communication at all levels and targeted high-yield developments with the resources available.

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Best regards,


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The End

 4 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

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 4 months ago 

Hi, Greetings, Good to see you Here:)

Thank you very much for sharing a nice article with us. Hope you stay active and keep engaging with everyone. If need any help then join our discord https://discord.gg/ksmVErs5.

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 4 months ago 

This is a thoughtful and informative piece on the importance of water, the impact of water pollution, and the potential consequences of a world without food and water. Your call to action to prevent water pollution and conserve water resources is inspiring and highlights the collective responsibility we have to protect our planet. The practical tips provided to reduce water pollution and waste are simple yet effective ways for individuals to make a positive impact. Overall, this content promotes awareness and encourages positive change for a sustainable future.

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