Betterlife with steemit : The Diary Game (04-12-2023) || passing a studious day

in Steem For Bangladesh6 months ago

Greeting everyone,

I am @shahajahanali
I am from #Bangladesh


Assalamulaikum. How are you all? Hope you are all well. For your prayer, Allah keeps me well. I am satisfied to Allah for keeping me well and grateful to Allah.I pray for all sothat Allah will keep well all.


I wake up from bed at 10am today. I got up late from bed because I went to bed late.After getting up from bed,I washed my faces. Then I went to dinnig to take breakfast. Taking breakfast,I took a cup of tea. After that,I took rest little bit.Then I went to outside for cutting my hair. When I went to cut hair,I had to wait there 2 hours. After waiting two hour ,I got the chance to cut my hair. Cutting my hair , I came back home .Then I washed my clothes and took bath.


After taking bath ,I went to roof to take sunshine. I spent some time there.After coming back from roof, I went to kitchen and prepared everything for taking lunch.After preparing everything , I took lunch. Then I took rest for a while. Taking rest , I started my study.I have been reading for 3hours at noon.Then I went to bed for sleeping.


After getting up from bed in the evening, I washed my faces.Then I went to out to take snack. I took Bhapa Pitha as my snack.I took Bhapa Pitha with my dearest friend sazib. Then we took tea together .After that we went to a fruit shop to buy fruits .Then I came back home.After a while , I continued my study again.



Finishing my study ,I went to dinning to take dinner, Then I was watching tv for an hour. After watching tv , I went to my room and started my study again. My friend came to our home today. We studied today for a long time . I watched tv while he was reading book attentively because he is eager to read book. Now he is reading book and I switched on my computer and try to write my today's activities.I tried hard to represent my activities beautifully.

Thank everyone for reading my post on steemit

 6 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 6 months ago 

Hi, Greetings, Good to see you Here:)

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 6 months ago 

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