SEC-S15W3: My Favorite Book

in Steem For Bangladesh7 months ago

One way or the other, we have all encountered one book that we hold dear to us and we can read over and over again because we never get tired of it. I’ll be sharing with us, one of my all time favorite book and how I’ve implemented it in my day to day live.

But before we head into that, let me invite some friends of mine to participate in the contest. @eurogee, @smyle and @bossj23

What's your favorite book? What kind of content is it providing to its readers?


One of my best selling books of all time is “sell like crazy” by Sabri Suby. Just from the title alone, you will know what the book convey. I will say Sabri Suby really made an incredible impact with the knowledge he shared in his book in terms of his marketing style. Beginning from: understanding and identifying your buyers, creating a perfect bait for your buyers, how to capture leads, the godfather strategy, sales conversion and many more beautiful topics I can’t really wrap my head around right now.

The book “sell like crazy” talks about different strategies on how to sell your product. It talks of different secrets that can remove hindrances stopping you from making major sales in your business. The good thing about this book is that, it’s not restricted to only big companies that usually set aside large amount of money to market their products but it also works greatly for startups as well.

According to Sabri Suby, a lot of startups business waste too much time and resources on non yielding task, always busy all the time but not productive. He believes marketing is “supreme” to any other activity you’re doing because the fate of your business lies not just in having the best product or service but in your ability to market your products and convince people to buy.

How does your favorite book help others through its content?

I will be sharing with us some of the secrets i learnt while reading this book in terms of marketing your product.

“The 80/20 rules Pareto principles” isn’t new to a lot of us especially for those of us who studied management science in school. For those of us who are new to this, what this rule is trying to let us understand is that 20% of the input creates 80% of the result. 20% of the workers produce 80% of the result. 20% of the customers create 80% of the revenue.


So, what Sabri is saying is that people don’t apply this rules to business, they keep doing 80% of things that won’t bring money into business and suffocating the 20% of activities that will bring in money. He believes those 80% can be delegated to other staffs of the company or outsourced to outsiders while the remaining 20% should be focused on.

For example:

  • Checking emails
  • Writing copy
  • Speaking with clients
  • Having meetings
  • Creating Facebook ads
  • Checking stats
  • Creating systems & processes
  • Coming up with offers & promotions
  • Training/On-boarding staff
  • Creating sales funnels
  • Sending emails
  • Shooting videos
  • Recruiting
  • Running errands
  • Making webinars
  • Creating proposals

All this are business activities screaming out loud for attention but among this stuff listed above, only 20% can bring in money to the business. The remaining should be delegated to other staffs or outsourced.

The 20% includes:

  • Writing sales copy
  • Coming up with offers & promotions
  • Creating sales funnels
  • Shooting videos
  • Scheming & plotting

Another secret I’ll be sharing in this book is called the “godfather strategy”.

The godfather strategy is simply making irresistible offers to customers that will make customers running from their houses to your doorstep waving their ATM cards that they want to purchase your products.


For example;

Let’s say a customer is looking for who to build his house and he has notice that site engineers intentionally delays house building in order to make extra money since he’s been paid each day he comes on site and he also has to Leave his rented apartment on time to his own house in order to avoid extra expenses of renewing his house rent again.

He decides to go online and search for site engineers and their are hundreds of engineers in the website.

Some of the engineer offers include:

First offer:

BossJ home building engineering team, we build houses, with POP, beautiful painting and lovely furnitures.

Second offer:
Designing luxury homes from a range of elegant designs’

Third offer:

Build your home in 20 weeks… if we don’t meet up, we’ll return 80% of your money!

Among this 3 offers, which of them is more daring and meets the consumer requirements?? Definitely, it’s the 3rd one. As a customer, no matter how high the price, once you are guaranteed that your money will come back, if there is a breach in agreement, you will definitely want to go for it.

Your offer must be something that will keep your buyers restless at night. Your Offer Is The Tip Of The Spear Of Your Sales Message. Whatever offer you are make sure it’s something that is realistic and you can achieve or else you have to face the consequences.

After reading this book, have you been influenced by anything that has benefited you in your personal life?

As much as I love this book, I’ve not really put it into practice because I’ve not started up my own business. For now, I’m still working. But there was something I learnt in this book that I apply on Steemit and it’s called “eye grabbing titles”. A title that will capture the eyes of your readers, they will want to have a sneak peek into your post.

Another strategy I learnt from the book is how to keep my readers glued to my post with lots of suspense till they are done reading. To bad I’ve not really been doing so good at this. But like the saying goes “practice makes perfect”. I’ll get there someday!!

If you ever had the chance to write a book, what genre would it be, and who would benefit from it?


I haven’t really thought about it but if I happen to be a writer, it will be more on telling stories and it will definitely be something that both adult and young ones can read comfortably with their parents reprimanding them or scared they are reading adult contents like mills and boon..

As much as the story is fictional, I will try to make it educative for a much larger audience to be interested in it.


In conclusion the book, “how to sell like crazy” is a must read book for those in the marketing department or has an established business already. The book is very practical and will definitely turn things around in your marketing strategy if put to good use.


Hello @sbamsonue, from the little you said, I am already tempted to get my own copy.

The book sure has many impressive lessons, it good to know you found such a treasure. Though applying it now would be really helpful. It would be like the rehearsal before an actual performance.

It has been a beautiful read and I would love to see you apply the lesson from this book in your subsequent post. All the best friend.

Thanks dear.. the book is really a must read for anyone who wants to venture into marketing.. another one you can try checking out again is “how to sell to Nigerians”…. I don’t know if you have heard of that one before


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