Some beautiful photography

in Steem For Bangladesh2 months ago

Hello, Steemit Friends,

"Assalamu Alaikum"

How are you all? I believe everyone is fine by the grace of Allah. Alhamdulillah, I am also quite well. Today I came to you again with a different kind of post. Today I will share with you some beautiful photography. These photographs were captured by me on the roof yesterday afternoon. It is very hot now in every place of our Bangladesh. Yesterday afternoon, I saw that it was quite windy outside, so I went to the roof to cool down. I also saw beautiful flowers blooming on every tree. They looked so good that I photographed them. I hope you will like my photography today. So let's see the photographs.

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This tree is called katamukut tree. This tree looks very beautiful. Especially the flowers are very nice to see. The whole plant is full of cut and beautiful red flowers bloom on top. Many flowers bloom together so it looks beautiful. I liked the photography the most because of the beautiful sunset light in the background. This is why I like this photography so much. Hope you like it too.

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This is belly flower photography. Belly flowers are as beautiful as they look but their scent is even more beautiful. I like the sweet smell of this flower. And I like white flowers more. The fragrance of these flowers is really very beautiful. These can be used to make very beautiful hand garlands and can also be tied to hairpins .

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This is the photography of jaba flower. Our roof plant produces several jaba flowers every day. The flowers look really beautiful. But jaba flowers are of different colors. But these are pink jaba flowers. Jaba flower is very beneficial for our hair and skin. Hope you like this flower photography too.

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This is sweet pumpkin flower photography. The sweet pumpkin flower is also very pretty but here the flower has not bloomed well because the sweet pumpkin underneath has come out. I like to eat sweet pumpkin. Various recipes can be prepared with this sweet pumpkin. Hope you like this recipe too.

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This is Jamrul Fruit Photography. Although the fruits have not grown yet. The results have just come out. The small fruits on the branches of the tree looked very good. They are also very tasty to eat. Many have caught us in this tree. I will try to share photography with you again when the fruits are bigger.

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It is also a white colored flower. I have always loved white flowers. The name of this flower is Jasmine flower. This flower plant is also on the roof of our house. Many flowers bloom on the tree. The flowers look good. And the smell of the flowers is very nice. I hope you will like my every photography.

This was my post today. Hope you like it. I have tried to share some beautiful photography. Apologies if there is any mistake in the post. Be well everyone, I will appear with a new post later.


Made by@sanuu
DeviceSamsung Galaxy A14

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Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


 2 months ago 

Hi, Greetings, Good to see you Here:)

Thank you very much for sharing a beautiful article with us. Hope you stay active and keep engaging with everyone. If you have any questions you'd like to know or are experiencing any problems, join our Discord servers for help. We are always active here to serve the users. And you are invited to participate in our weekly online hangout. Click the link below to join our discord server.

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 2 months ago 

@sanuu. We all love flowers. Flowers are my favorite. Your pictures are very beautiful.

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