The Diary Game : 25-04-2024

in Steem For Bangladeshlast month
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah
Greetings and congratulations to everyone in the Steem For Bangladesh community

How are you all friends? I hope you are well and healthy by the grace of God. I too am well by the grace of Allah and the love of all of you.


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I wake up in the morning and pray Fajr. After finishing the namaz, I went back to sleep for a while. After a while I woke up and saw that my mother was making breakfast in the morning. I went and helped him make breakfast. When the breakfast is done, I take everything to the dining table and have breakfast together.


After eating breakfast, I made the beds in the room. I sat for a while and worked on the mobile phone. After a while, father brought the bazaar from the market, he also brought a chicken from the market. Mom tells him to cut the chicken. So I went and made him cut the chicken and wash it clean.


When the chicken is washed and cleaned, mom takes it to the kitchen for cooking. I went and wandered outside for a while. After walking for a while, I saw mom still cooking. So I went and swept the room, after a while went to bathe in the pool with my younger sister. After taking a bath, I saw that it was time for Zohr prayer, so I offered Zohr prayer a little later. When my father comes from the mosque after praying, we all sit together and eat lunch.


After eating and drinking, I sit for a while and after a while I go to sleep. I lie down and work on the mobile phone for a while and then go to sleep. I woke up and saw that the Asr call was being given all around, so I went and offered the Asr prayer. After praying, we were supposed to plant a potato plant. I saw that my mother had stored the garbage of many houses in a sack, so I planted the potato plant.


After a while it gets dark all around and it is time for Maghrib prayer. So I went ahead and performed ablution from the pond and offered the Maghrib prayer. After praying I had to cook noodles for my afternoon snack. After waiting for a while he let us all eat the noodles.


After eating noodles, we all sit together and talk for a while. After a while the power goes out so I sit for a while and work on my mobile. Today my body is not feeling well so I boiled two eggs to eat without eating rice at night. After eating two eggs, he goes to sleep at night. So guys, that's it for today. Everyone stay well and stay healthy, I will come back to you with a new post.


Goodbye for today. Allah Hafez
 last month 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

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Hi, Greetings, Good to see you Here:)

Thank you very much for sharing a nice article with us. Hope you stay active and keep engaging with everyone. If need any help then join our discord

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